change Member Brief Info



How can I change Member Brief Info from "Age and Sex" to "Occupation and Business" (fields that are used) Do I need to add/change some code somewhere? 



Quote · 27 Feb 2017

These fields have pre-set values or interact with other fields so it's best to leave them alone. Assuming you're using a test setup, you can play around and hopefully get the results you want without bringing the site to its knees.

In Admin/Builders/Profile Fields you will see fields in green boxes. You can play with these, however it's best to remove some rather than changing their values. Age and Sex are two such fields.

On the top left and right of Profile Fields Builder, you can choose Admin, Owner, Visitor on the left and Join Form, Edit Profile, View Profile, Search Profiles on the right. Owner is the member, you are the Admin.

By selecting a combination of the above options, you can see what the user will see on the viewing or edit screens.

If you select Admin/Profile Edit, you will see that Age doesn't appear. It's Date of Birth. You can drag it and Sex down to the Inactive Items section.

You can then drag up an New_item from the Inactive items section and call it "occupation in the System Name and Occupation in the Caption. Do the same for Business. Make both Text fields.

Now select Admin/View Profile and you will see there's a block for Age. It converts date of birth to your age today.

Move it and Sex to Inactive Items and move Occupation and Business up to where you just moved them from.

Go back to the Dolphin Site using the Arrow on the top right and see if the results in Edit Profile are what you want. If all is okay, go back to Admin/Builders/Profile Fields and do the same with Owner/View Profile and Owner/Edit Profile. You can even do it for Search Profile and the Join Form One day you be delighted that this is as complicated as it is. The permutations are endless.


Quote · 27 Feb 2017

Hi John,


I've tried your advise and on the profile pages it work alright but on the homepage in the Members section I still get Age and Sex or Location or Statusmesssage, based on the one I choose. But no Business or Occupation. 


Am I missing something?

Quote · 28 Feb 2017

Firstly, you never mentioned any of the above in your first post. The block you refer to on the People Page is called "Browse" not "Member Brief Info".

That's a special block that picks up data from all members profiles and it's not something you can easily change.

You first need to think about what you're trying to achieve. My guess is that you want to be able display all members who have an occupation or a business. However, on your profile edit page, are you asking them to fill out one or the other, or both? Surely the owner of a retail store would put his occupation down as proprietor or owner? And wouldn't a shipping clerk put his business down as Shipping? In other words, both would fill out both fields and the end result would be that anyone searching for members by business or occupation would see every listing.

Possibly the best thing to do would be to remove the Browse Block by going to Admin/Builders/Pages Builder/All Members and moving the block to Inactive Blocks. You could then move an HTML block to the slot and enter something like "To search for specific Businesses or Occupations, use the search box on your home page." That way people can search for a specific business or occupation.

You will need to prepare the search box first. See attachments.

I know it's not perfect, but there's no search block available for the "All Members page". AntonLV or Modzzz make a module that may enable you to move a block over from somewhere else, so I suggest you look at that option.



search2.jpg · 16.8K · 181 views
search1.jpg · 11.8K · 183 views
Quote · 28 Feb 2017

Hi John,


Thanks for your eleborate explenation. It seems to me that Dolphin is to much orientated towards building dating sites than other social networks. Pitty.

Quote · 1 Mar 2017

One of the reasons I'm spending so much time on this is because I want to do it myself.

I have part of the answer at least, but you may also need to consider Anton'LV's "Searchable Fields" for $15 and it makes just about any field searchable. So if you had a field called Business and the member enters Hamburgers, he can click the word and find every other member who sells hamburgers. I have it and it's brilliant.

In the meantime, you can try this:

  • Firstly, get the Simple Search and Quick Search blocks looking good using the little tutorial I gave you the other day. Remove the fields you don't want and add Business and Occupation. Simple Search will be the first search option so make sure you do it at least.
  • Go to Admin/Builder/Navigation Menu
  • Click the blue People block at the very top. This is the actual menu button to view People on your site.
  • Go to the URL box about four items down. It reads:


  • Remove the section "browse.php| at the very begining of the line.
  • It should now read:


  • Save the changes
  • Clear the Dolphin cache. I also had to clear the browser Cache.
  • Go back to the site and click the People button.

You should now have a decent search block for your members to use. Remember that they have to enter an exact business or occupation, or part thereof.

As I don't use the same fields you do, I can't check it, but it should work. If it doesn't just replace the altered line.

Quote · 1 Mar 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.