change join.php


I need to add some code to join.php so when a member joins my Dolphin site their email account is automatically created.

The email account will have the same user name and password as the Dolphin site account.

I can formulate a URL to perform the create user action like this:

Return code: 1 on success | 0 - Account Already Exist | 0 - Error [message]

But I do not know how to insert the user name and password that is entered on the dolphin join form in to the above URL, or how to submit the URL after all user information is confirmed and added to the Dolphin database.

Thank you for any help on figuring out how to do this.

Light man a fire keep him warm for a night, light him ON fire & he will be warm the rest of his life
Quote · 15 Mar 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.