change search items in Browse block

Hi there,


Where can I change the predefined search By sex, by age and by country in the Browse block on the Peolple page? Is this possible at all?



Quote · 8 Dec 2015

What changes would you like to make? Have a look at this file

Blocks are located around line no. 500, comment out the sections you dont want.

Looking for Help?
Quote · 8 Dec 2015


What changes would you like to make? Have a look at this file

Blocks are located around line no. 500, comment out the sections you dont want.


 Many thanks for this info as I was wanting to know how to do this as well!

7.3.5 with responsive UNI
Quote · 11 Dec 2015

Thanks Kevin,


If I want to add new browse options I suppose this can only be done with pre-defined values?



Quote · 11 Dec 2015

Hi guys,


Can remove browse options in people browse simple enough (sex, age, country) but don't see where you can add or replace with custom options?  The predefined values' Builder does not seem to work for this.  Is there some additional step or specific method for accomplishing this?




Quote · 25 Jan 2016

It doesn't look like Dolphin has anything in place to customize the browse options, but we may be in luck.  I think I've found a workaround for this - it's kind of a hack actually.  So probably be better to send me a pm if anyone needs it.  Be sure to add an email (at least until I make the jump to hyperspace)


...glad to help out where I can.


Quote · 25 Jan 2016

Charles, I sent you a response but I guess you didn't get it because I haven't received a confirmation.  So here's what I sent.  Hope the super-techies don't mind the lack of protocol, but here it is:


Hi Charles,
pls let me know if you receive this contact.  Once I jump to hyperspace shouldn't have any problems with correspondence but till then it's a good idea to always leave an email when contacting me.  I'm not sure if this note will go through. 
Okay, so let me give you a real quick overview to get you started (kinda caught me at a bad time, but I want to help so here goes).
First off, with this workaround you won't be able to add categories to the three that are already there, but all of them are customizable.  For instance, you can add countries or delete countries.  But of course you want to browse for something other than countries.  Let's say it's cars.  So the trick is to browse for cars using countries.

To do that convert country info to cars  (general outline)

Now the conversion is complete.  Visitors will see cars instead of countries and will be able to browse among entrees.
*(You can also substitute your desired icon for flags etc.    -- go directory where flags/icons are [I think media/flags or media/images/flags [you'll find it] -- upload your desired icon and change it to the name of icon currently associated with your car [your new browse item] -- delete or change name of icon just replaced)
●     Go into your language plugins and change by country to by cars
●    Then go into your predefined values and substitute your country keys and values with your desired car keys and values.
●    May want to delete all extraneous countries not converted to cars (optional)
●    Save

*(You can also substitute your desired icon for flags etc.    -- go directory where flags/icons are [I think media/flags or media/images/flags [you'll find it] -- upload your desired icon and change it to the name of icon currently associated with your car [your new browse item] -- delete or change name of icon just replaced)

Quote · 11 Feb 2016

Hi guys, diregard prev post - must of hit a wrong key or something.


First off, with this workaround you won't be able to add categories to the three that are already there, but all of them are customizable.  For instance, you can add countries or delete countries.  But of course you want to browse for something other than countries.  Let's say it's cars.  So the trick is to browse for cars using countries.


To do that convert country info to cars  (general outline)

●     Go into your language plugins and change by country to by cars

●    Then go into your predefined values and substitute your country keys and values with your desired car keys and values.

●    May want to delete all extraneous countries not converted to cars (optional)

●    Save

*(You can also substitute your desired icon for flags etc.    -- go directory where flags/icons are [I think media/flags or media/images/flags [you'll find it] -- upload your desired icon and change it to the name of icon currently associated with your car [your new browse item] -- delete or change name of icon just replaced)

Quote · 13 Feb 2016
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