change size upload member thumbs / profile images

Where can i choose how the profile images (aka member thumbs) are saved? I know how to change css so that there are shown in for example 44 px width. But actually they are stored as 32 px sized images.


I looked into the photos module but there i did not finde a setting for this. Which file and value has to changed to achieve a change in the saving of the profile images?



Actually i was referring to the image in the service menu. 

008 image service.PNG · 83.5K · 222 views
Quote · 3 Jun 2020

This could prove very difficult. When you change the size of the thumb, you will then need to change the size of the bounding box, which shares CSS with the search box. The User Name will also need to be adjusted and the list goes on, and on!

/your template/general.css  then search for:

div.sys-service-menu div.sys-sm-profile i.sys-icon, div.sys-service-menu div.sys-sm-profile img.sys-smp-thumbnail {

Quote · 3 Jun 2020

The adjustments in the css was not difficult. But i want the thumbnails also stored in a higher quality. At least 44 pixels.

Quote · 3 Jun 2020

Dolphin creates a number of thumbnails for different jobs The current size for Icon thumbs is 32 px square and yes, if you alter the CSS to 44px the small thumbs will be enlarged and they'll look terrible.

You can change the size of any image Dolphin creates in /modules/boonex/photos/classes/BxPhotosConfig.php around line 18, but this will only affect new members and new posts. All earlier photos are stored at the original sizes. Thus, if you alter the icon thumb size to 44 pixels, the thumbs of existing members will look out of focus.

It's never a good idea to enlarge digital photos so you will need to download all your main photos which are currently 600 px and batch reduce them to 44 px if you wish to maintain high quality. A free program like Irfanview can do it and correctly rename the icons at the same time, but it's really a lot of work.

The question will be as always; is it worth it?


Quote · 3 Jun 2020
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.