arvixe: Hello and thank you for contacting Arvixe. How can I assist you? If at any point of this conversation, you don't receive a response from me for a prolonged period of time, it may be possible that you were disconnected. Please simply restart the chat session through our website.
me: you already installing D7 ?
arvixe: we only have an auto installer for 6.1.6
me: when it wil be for d7?
arvixe: we can install d7 for 20$
me: not as a service ?
me: like 6.1.6?
arvixe: boonex has not provided d7 yet
me: what you tallking abut?
me: boonex already out D7...
arvixe: they did not provide the auto installer yet
me: oh OK :)
me: Thank you
arvixe: you are welcome
arvixe: Is there anything else I can assist you with today?
me: no Thanks ... :)