Hi fellas, still I see a big problem between cross compatibility between 3rd party extensions. Dolpinn as is is almost unusable for a professional use so if somebody want use dolphin for a serious site - buying some 3rd party extensions is a must. But now problem appear - there is not a chance to finmd out if component I will be buying will run fine with other 3ed party component from other vendor. If you ask develiopers mostly dont know and they are not very keen to test it - in most case because they dont have other component or simply they are not interested. SO you must buy component, thean u find out its not compatible with some other and now u are in a neverending payiong to various developers to make components compatibkle. Evevn I know developers that already made components compatible but dont include changes to their product by default so zhey can charge money for custom work again and again from otrher customers. Because of that people spending thousands on dolphin and process will continue as with every update they need hire developers again to change custom coding to new versions either component and also dolphin. I extensively use joomla where is kinda different approach to this. developers of most used/popular 3rd components make their components creoss compatible with other best commponents by default. If that is possible in Joomla why not here ? if I look throught market its not much components which are most popular - Ibdw spywall or evo wall, credit and points, affiliate systems, photo battles and advanced galleries, and paid membership system and profile splitter. I have nor cluze if those components can work together or nbpot as its not mentioned anywhere and if I ask dev ansdwer is usually dont know, can hire me for custom work if not. I dont know how solve this situation as it keep me off buyng any component because most devs dont offer money back options so you cant test it on your site and as we all know components here are not cheap so someone easily end up loosing hundereds dollars or paying hundereds or thousands for custom programming. The main thing I think is choose top popular components most people use so we know what is really most used components and then its on developers as this is difference - joomla developers decided make their components cross compatible with some top others here I see i missing will to do so...