Hi all,
I am an experienced fullstack developer but new to dolphin. I am modifying a template and would like to understand the override system for the css files a little more. I understand that specific template files override that of the base but also notice in the <head> that some module's css is loaded after the template files. this leaves me either having to modify the modules css or inserting a custom.css in the teplates _header (my preffered option)
is there a tag like <bx_tmpl_css /> that gives me the path to the current template's css? OR <bx_tmpl_root /> that does the same but for the templates root dir from whihc I can append the rest of the path?
I understand I can hard code the css path in the _header but that's hardly flexible enough is it?
..nor is editing the modules css
lastly... can the modules template be overridden in the same way as tempaltes? i.e. adding a tmpl_eve/css/default.css file within the module's dir?
all help much appreciated