how do i allow my users to have free crative access to there profiles they can't see through the profile to the background photo. Background only visible on the sides. as well as allowing them to use animation, I guess they want to make it look like their "Myspace" profiles. Is this possible?
I did Enable "profile customization", it is checked in:
However, "Show zodiac signs", "Enable Instant Messenger", "Enable Users to Change Templates", "Enable search by ZIP codes" fail to remail checked and active. I click on save and it remains unchecked. Is it because I'm using to "Free Version of Dolphin and Ray? What am I doing wrong?
Also, is there a better Chat window available? I with better animated smily faces, and enter tone? when one sends the message it sound like a frog. It also has not spell check while writing. and nether dose email in Dolphin. is their a setting to enable spell check?