database error

Hi guys I got every day two a three time a error mail from the database, I have at the time no idea what this is..
so if some =one have a idea I love to hear it..

SELECT `ID` FROM `sys_localization_languages` WHERE `Name`='nl' LIMIT 1
Mysql error: MySQL server has gone away

Found error in the file '/home/xxxx/domains/xxxxxxxxxl/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolEmailTemplates.php' at line 31.
Called 'getOne' function with erroneous argument #0.
Kids first
Quote · 4 Jan 2010

bump this... someone ?

Kids first
Quote · 5 Jan 2010

Do you have a language that you named "nl" (that would be the 2 character code).  Appears to be what it's looking for and can't find it.

Quote · 5 Jan 2010

Yes its the country code :nl

the language itself is:  Nederlands

Kids first
Quote · 5 Jan 2010

Mysql error: MySQL server has gone away  is a DB/mysql wait_timeout problem...try the old pconnect to connect in inc/classes/bxdoldb.php@mysql_pconnect to => @mysql_connect   test it out a day or so...should not happen again. if it does then just undo and then edit mycnf file wait_timeout variable and restart mysql.... if you are serious about your site you can also get and install monyog which is a serious DB query logger/checker that tells you in real time all the queries on your site as they happen and what ones are too slow...the slow ones  are pointed out and you can send to a coder to get rewritten.

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 5 Jan 2010

Thanks Guys, I will checks this out further.

Kids first
Quote · 5 Jan 2010
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