database upgrade from 6.1.6 to 7

hi all ,

been working on Dol 7 , all went ok , when i tried to the data migration , from 6.1.6 to v 7 , i set up the configuration and click  profiles and hit move data , shows next to profiles queued , " in process " , but this been over 3 days ago,

and still shows in process .


any idea where i went wrong ?



Quote · 10 Dec 2009

There could be so many possibilities, so I will just name the most common:

- Cron job not setup correctly (check to see if you can upload a video and it process - this will verify)

- Custom alterations due to mods in the Profiles table of 6.1.6

- Path to old 6.1.6 not configured correctly

- Old 6.1.6 and new D7 databases and/or site installations are on 2 different server

Another option you can do is, since you have not actually "copied" anything yet. Remove the datamigration module and then reinstall it. This resets everything back as if you never ran it yet.

You can manually "force" the cron job to move the information by doing the following if all else mentioned above is working and properly configured:

- Go into your /periodic folder and rename the .htaccess file to .htaccess.old

- In Admin Panel, set the path to your old dolphin install

- Enter the data migration module and choose Profiles, then click move data

- Open another tab in your browser and navigate to D7's cron job (ex.

When you do this, it forces the cron job to run. If your paths are setup correctly, this should move your profiles. You will need to repeat these steps for each item you choose to move (with the exclusion of renaming the .htaccess file).


Nothing to see here
Quote · 10 Dec 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.