delete messages from inbox?

hi there,

how can user delete the messages in inbox our sent-mails/outbox ?

is there a mod ?

best regard

Quote · 22 Aug 2008

I have checkt this on my own 6.1.2 version ... I can delete my inbox messages ...
But the sendbox its not possible, thats strange.. 

Maby we need a modification for this

Kids first
Quote · 22 Aug 2008

We should not need a 'mod' for simple basic functions?

Quote · 22 Aug 2008

Yes, I would like to know how to delete the "sent" messages from my mail?   Is there a mod out there?

Quote · 23 Aug 2008


Yes, I would like to know how to delete the "sent" messages from my mail?   Is there a mod out there?




I actually have a mod that will delete send messages...I haven't installed it....I haven't tested it....I don't remember where I got it.


Send me your email and i'll send it to you.



Quote · 23 Aug 2008


Yes, I would like to know how to delete the "sent" messages from my mail?   Is there a mod out there?




BTW...just installed it for 6.14.  It works.

Quote · 23 Aug 2008

I have send a report to Boonex team.

Kids first
Quote · 23 Aug 2008

As far as I recall outbox messages will eventually be delete by cron, depending on your database pruning settings in your admin panel:

Clean old messages ( days ) = xnumber-days

Decrease it to do away with them sooner, increase it for longer.

Not the perfect sollution or method, but I guess it's better than nothing.

gameutopia - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 23 Aug 2008

Thanks gameutopia, I know I missing here somewhat, and that was it...  grrrrrrr

Its not the best solution thats correct, because some messages you want keep longer than other..

Kids first
Quote · 23 Aug 2008

Yes, I would like to know how to delete the "sent" messages from my mail?   Is there a mod out there?

BTW...just installed it for 6.14.  It works.

Thanks for sending the mod... I tried to execute the SQL query and received the following error:



SQL query:

INSERT INTO `LocalizationKeys`
SET `IDCategory` =1,
`Key` = '_Write new Message';

MySQL said:

#1062 - Duplicate entry '_Write new Message' for key 2


Any ideas on what I need to do to get this to work?

Quote · 24 Aug 2008

I did get it to work - execute the sql.txt file, ignore the error msg's - those entries are already in the database.

Thanks chennon221 for the mod!

Quote · 24 Aug 2008

open mail.php and replace function:

function PageCodeOutbox()
global $memberID;
global $site;
global $tmpl;
global $date_format;

if( $_REQUEST['do_delete'] or $_REQUEST['do_mark_new'] or $_REQUEST['do_mark_old'] )
if( $_REQUEST['do_delete'] )
$sqlDoQuery = "DELETE FROM `Messages` WHERE";

if( $aMsgs = $_POST['m'] and is_array( $aMsgs ) and !empty( $aMsgs ) )
foreach( $aMsgs as $msgID => $on )
$msgID = (int)$msgID;
if( !$msgID or $on != 'on' )

db_res( "$sqlDoQuery `ID`=$msgID AND `Sender` = $memberID" );
//echoDbg( $_POST );

$query = "
UNIX_TIMESTAMP( `Date` ) AS `timestamp`,
DATE_FORMAT(`Date`, '$date_format') AS `Date`,
`Profiles`.`NickName` AS `SenderNickName`,
FROM `Messages`
LEFT JOIN `Profiles` ON
`Profiles`.`ID` = `Recipient`
WHERE `Sender` = $memberID

$rMsgs = db_res( $query );

if( !mysql_num_rows( $rMsgs ) )
return '<div class="no_result"><div>'._t( "_No messages in Outbox" ).'</div></div>';

// --- get template and replace headers ---
$aReplace = array();

$aReplace['mailbox_header_img'] = '<img src="'.getTemplateIcon( 'inbox.gif' ) .'" class="mailbox_header_img" />';
//$aReplace['summary'] = _t(
$aReplace['flag'] = _t( '_Flag' );
$aReplace['from'] = _t( '_From' );
$aReplace['date'] = _t( '_Date' );
$aReplace['subject'] = _t( '_Subject' );
$aReplace['click_to_sort'] = _t( '_Click to sort' );

$aReplace['actions_l'] = _t( "_Selected messages" ) .':';
$aReplace['actions'] = '
<input type="submit" class="mailbox_submit" name="do_delete" value="'._t('_Delete').'" onclick="return confirm(\''._t('_are you sure?').'\');" />

$ret = file_get_contents(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/mail_box.html");
foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
$ret = str_replace( "__{$key}__", $val, $ret );

$aMyTmpl = preg_split( "/\{\/?InsertRows\}/", $ret );
$tmplRow = $aMyTmpl[1];
$ret = "{$aMyTmpl[0]}{InsertRows /}{$aMyTmpl[2]}";

$InsertRows = '';
$tr_class = 'odd';
while( $aMsg = mysql_fetch_assoc( $rMsgs ) )
$sSubject = process_line_output( html2txt( $aMsg['Subject'] ));

$aReplace = array();

$aReplace['tr_class'] = $tr_class;
$aReplace['new_add'] = $aMsg['New'] ? 'new' : '';

$aReplace['ID'] = $aMsg['ID'];
$aReplace['CheckBox'] = '<input type="checkbox" class="td_mailbox_checkbox" id="sel_msg_'.$aMsg['ID'].'" name="m['.$aMsg['ID'].']" value="on" />';
$aReplace['Flag'] = '<img class="mailbox_flag_img" src="'.getTemplateIcon( $aMsg['New'] ? 'not_readed.gif' : 'readed.gif' ).'" title="'._t( $aMsg['New'] ? '_New Message' : '_Readed' ).'" />';
$aReplace['From'] = '<center><div style="width:45px;">' . get_member_icon($aMsg['Sender']) . "<div class=\"clear_both\"></div><!--{$aMsg['SenderNickName']}--> <a href=\"".getProfileLink($aMsg['Sender'])."\">{$aMsg['SenderNickName']}</a>" . '</center>';
$aReplace['Date'] = "<!--{$aMsg['timestamp']}--> {$aMsg['Date']}";
$aReplace['Subject'] = "<!--$sSubject--> <a href=\"{$site['url']}messages_outbox.php?message={$aMsg['ID']}\">$sSubject</a>";

$sInsertRow = $tmplRow;
foreach( $aReplace as $key => $val )
$sInsertRow = str_replace( "{{$key}}", $val, $sInsertRow );

$sInsertRows .= $sInsertRow;
$tr_class = ( $tr_class == 'odd' ? 'even' : 'odd' );

$ret = str_replace( "{InsertRows /}", $sInsertRows, $ret );

$ret =
'<form name="mailbox_form" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?mode=outbox" method="post">'.$ret.'</form>';

return $ret;

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 25 Aug 2008

hey mrpowless

thank you for your mod.

Quote · 12 Sep 2008

Whoever posted the link or site info that keeps asking for a login to there control panel in this thread might think about removing it. Not only is it annoying but you are asking for trouble by having it here this is what happens for me when I visit this thread a nice apache box pops open with the following: which sounds like cpanel login. Do away with this whoever you are. - Your One and Only Source For Boonex Dolphin Tutorials and Resources
Quote · 12 Sep 2008

Yes to me also  :)

Kids first
Quote · 12 Sep 2008

and.. me 3

had to admit, I was worried when I saw it popup, but now I know that others have the same thing happening I can relax :)

Quote · 12 Sep 2008

It has something to do with one of donm1021's posts  ..... 

The interesting thing is there is NOT a link to that website in the source of the page  ..... 

Quote · 12 Sep 2008

Wow - that is quite a bug.  Does Boonex do any testing at all before they launch their software?  It seems like in the last few months we have identified things in 6.1.4 that it would be kind to call "bugs" - it would be more correct to call them features that Boonex has faked.  I'm sure they have the best of intentions and plan on finishing these features someday, but they could save everyone on ton of time by putting a staff member on this forum to let us know when we are trying to track down a bug that is really something that never worked in the first place.  If we keep having to do "mods" to fix basic functions in Dolphin, all of our upgrades next time are going to be a nightmare.



Quote · 12 Sep 2008

I agree with you Caltrade...
I have more mods installed, but I stay to the version I have ... 

Kids first
Quote · 12 Sep 2008

Sorry folks... just noticed that pop up to my cpanel.... have no idea why that did that?  Should be fixed now though.

Again, my apologies!

Quote · 12 Sep 2008

i Know this an older post but the mrpowless solution works like a charm.  thank you sir. - Skype: Dolphin Techs
Quote · 13 Nov 2008

Dido, its never too late to say thanks mrpowless...

Quote · 10 Jan 2009

Thank YOU!!!!!! Pain free fix THANK YOU......

Quote · 9 Feb 2009

thanks mrpowless you did it...

Filipino Friends Community

Quote · 17 Mar 2009
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