
I know well there was thread (post) here befor about the subjuct am going to talk about , some template develloper they say it's boonex problem and hopefully they will sort it out in the future , now i want to make sure what's wrong exactly with designbox_1.html .

I have a paid template and a free template both of them they got designbox_1.html and when i ever i try to post a video or picture or Link in a wall , the Loading appear but nothing show up , it keep loading and loading and loading ....

I was told to delet that designbox_1.html and i did and it does sort the problem but the template become ugly and useless .

Please i need a help here or a solution to keep my design the way it's .



First designbox_1.html it does looke like this :







Second designbox_1.html from a difffrent template looke like this :



<div class="disignBoxFirst">
<div class="disignBoxFirst2">
 <div class="boxFirstHeader"><div class="dbTitle">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>
   <div class="disignBoxBottom">
<div class="disignBoxBottom2">
 <div class="boxContent">__designbox_content__</div>








thanks if you sort it out for me.

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Quote · 2 Jan 2010

where do these files reside?

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

they are in folder templates and in tmpl_xxx  and inside the templ_xxxx i got folder Css and Scripts and Images and the designbox_1.html just under with default.html

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Quote · 2 Jan 2010

did you delete the one in base?

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

No i didnt ! i was told to delet the one in the tmpl_xxxx and as i state befor i did and it did mess up with my template !

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Quote · 2 Jan 2010

i would take the one out of base...put it in tmpl_uni and leave the one in tmpl_xxx ..your plate dude has some serious issues with his box too lol designbox and designbox2 class inside each other...ask him to remedy.

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 2 Jan 2010


i would take the one out of base...put it in tmpl_uni and leave the one in tmpl_xxx

 I did copy the one in base to the template uni so do i have to delete the one in base ?

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Quote · 2 Jan 2010

you shouldn't have to  because it reads the base first, then uni/xxx if theres one in uni/xxx it reads that...supposed to...try everything.... all you probably have to do is fix the plat box file ...its a real mess thats why its not loading...if you do not know plats you have to get whoever made it fix it.

try this in xxx...i dont know the setup but this is a good start:

<div class="disignBoxFirst2">
<div class="boxFirstHeader2"><div class="dbTitle2">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>

<div class="disignBoxBottom2">
<div class="boxContent2">__designbox_content__</div>


I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

You did not mention if you tried this or not, but before putting blame on a template developer, did you even bother to switch your site back to the default uni template to see if the video problem is still there?

That would be a obvious fist step debugging procedure.
Quote · 2 Jan 2010


You did not mention if you tried this or not, but before putting blame on a template developer, did you even bother to switch your site back to the default uni template to see if the video problem is still there?

That would be a obvious fist step debugging procedure.






Man listen to me please am not da stupid guy you talking to , i did discuss this with the develloper him self and he got the same problem in his template and he told me that's a problem in the main boonex software (dolphin) !


Thanks anyway .



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Quote · 2 Jan 2010

You did not mention that here.

I was not calling anyone stupid, i needed to know if switching to the UNI template was even attempted. Because there is no mention on this post about any debugging steps that were tried to prove it was a template problem.

So i am out.
Quote · 2 Jan 2010


you shouldn't have to  because it reads the base first, then uni/xxx if theres one in uni/xxx it reads that...supposed to...try everything.... all you probably have to do is fix the plat box file ...its a real mess thats why its not loading...if you do not know plats you have to get whoever made it fix it.


try this in xxx...i dont know the setup but this is a good start:


<div class="disignBoxFirst2">
<div class="boxFirstHeader2"><div class="dbTitle2">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>

<div class="disignBoxBottom2">
<div class="boxContent2">__designbox_content__</div>



 Thanks man i appreciate your help , but that doesn't sort it out , i will try to keep modifying this code and see what will happen but if you have anyother idea just let me know .

Thanks .



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Quote · 2 Jan 2010

if he cant fix it how do you expect us to fix it blind? if you want I could help more but I have to see how its built

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 2 Jan 2010


if he cant fix it how do you expect us to fix it blind?

 yea man your right here ! so am not going to be stressed about it , but i don't understand what the software got to do with the template !


Thanks mate ,




I appreciate your help .

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Quote · 2 Jan 2010


if he cant fix it how do you expect us to fix it blind? if you want I could help more but I have to see how its built

 Yes nproblem how we can do that ?

do you want me to provide you by my cpanel pass and name ?

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Quote · 2 Jan 2010

pm me  and I will give you my email to send info to

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 2 Jan 2010


pm me  and I will give you my email to send info to

 I already did email you .

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Quote · 2 Jan 2010

if he cant fix it how do you expect us to fix it blind?

yea man your right here ! so am not going to be stressed about it , but i don't understand what the software got to do with the template !

Thanks mate ,


I appreciate your help .

The template is more than just html. The function of the software can be modified as well which is where the script directory comes in. With these scripts you can alter the functions, add new ones, point the template to a different jquery library with a different set of jquery ui skins, there is a lot that can be done with the templates from the codeing side as well.
Quote · 2 Jan 2010


i dont think it was implied that you were stupid, however, the information you are passing to us is 'stupid' because its not logical what you are saying.

here is the breakdown;

the default template (pay attention to these words they are critical) the default template tmpl_uni is in the directory


in that /templates directory you have



now there are no such disignbox_1.html or designbox_1.html in the /templates/tmpl_uni

those files are part of the base template system and for all intents and purposes, should not be altered because then that takes the ability to load another template (considering the template switcher)

if the /templates/base/ has been altered, then yes that is a template developers issue and not boonex's issue. listen to why this would hold true, the developer could create an alternate set of files that would reside in the /templates/base directory, but in doing so, the /templates/templ_templatename would have to be modified in order for it to know which files it would be looking for in the /templates/base directory

confusing indeed, but then again, if this is a true developer of design for dolphin, they would completely and wholly understand what is going on with that.

so in the default templ_uni /templates/base set of files

designbox_1.html looks like this:

<div class="disignBoxFirst">
<div class="boxFirstHeader"><div class="dbTitle">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>
<div class="boxContent">__designbox_content__</div>

now compare to what you post is your /templates/base set of files for /templates/base/designbox_1.html

<div class="disignBoxFirst">
<div class="disignBoxFirst2">
<div class="boxFirstHeader"><div class="dbTitle">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>
<div class="disignBoxBottom">
<div class="disignBoxBottom2">
<div class="boxContent">__designbox_content__</div>


clearly there is an obvious difference here. now the question that was posed sir, by deano who is a tremendous help when it comes to designing and troubleshooting templates. was can you resort back to the default template that came with the download and get your issue resolved. reason that was posed, then it would be to apply a process of elimination to the situation. since we do not know your design developer, but for the most part we do know the dolphin software, we have to apply a pseudo-reverse engineering process at times in order to trap the actual culprit.

now with all of that typed, can you use the tmpl_uni template and this will allow you to upload?

When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

if he cant fix it how do you expect us to fix it blind?

yea man your right here ! so am not going to be stressed about it , but i don't understand what the software got to do with the template !

Thanks mate ,


I appreciate your help .

The template is more than just html. The function of the software can be modified as well which is where the script directory comes in. With these scripts you can alter the functions, add new ones, point the template to a different jquery library with a different set of jquery ui skins, there is a lot that can be done with the templates from the codeing side as well.

You guy's have the knowldge to do so , my ressources are limited . so that's why i come here to ask for help after trying many times but i can't i give up . anyway thanks again .

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Quote · 2 Jan 2010


i dont think it was implied that you were stupid, however, the information you are passing to us is 'stupid' because its not logical what you are saying.

here is the breakdown;

the default template (pay attention to these words they are critical) the default template tmpl_uni is in the directory


in that /templates directory you have



now there are no such disignbox_1.html or designbox_1.html in the /templates/tmpl_uni

those files are part of the base template system and for all intents and purposes, should not be altered because then that takes the ability to load another template (considering the template switcher)

if the /templates/base/ has been altered, then yes that is a template developers issue and not boonex's issue. listen to why this would hold true, the developer could create an alternate set of files that would reside in the /templates/base directory, but in doing so, the /templates/templ_templatename would have to be modified in order for it to know which files it would be looking for in the /templates/base directory

confusing indeed, but then again, if this is a true developer of design for dolphin, they would completely and wholly understand what is going on with that.

so in the default templ_uni /templates/base set of files

designbox_1.html looks like this:

<div class="disignBoxFirst">
<div class="boxFirstHeader"><div class="dbTitle">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>
<div class="boxContent">__designbox_content__</div>

now compare to what you post is your /templates/base set of files for /templates/base/designbox_1.html

<div class="disignBoxFirst">
<div class="disignBoxFirst2">
<div class="boxFirstHeader"><div class="dbTitle">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>
<div class="disignBoxBottom">
<div class="disignBoxBottom2">
<div class="boxContent">__designbox_content__</div>


clearly there is an obvious difference here. now the question that was posed sir, by deano who is a tremendous help when it comes to designing and troubleshooting templates. was can you resort back to the default template that came with the download and get your issue resolved. reason that was posed, then it would be to apply a process of elimination to the situation. since we do not know your design developer, but for the most part we do know the dolphin software, we have to apply a pseudo-reverse engineering process at times in order to trap the actual culprit.

now with all of that typed, can you use the tmpl_uni template and this will allow you to upload?

First of all thanks for the whole information your provided here that was very informative to me but i want to clear one point here about what you state here ---->now there are no such disignbox_1.html or designbox_1.html in the /templates/tmpl_uni .

Am not talking about tmpl_uni but am talking about this :


Inside this template there's those files :




And what cause the problem is the desingbox_1.html that has this code here :

<div class="disignBoxFirst">
<div class="disignBoxFirst2">
<div class="boxFirstHeader"><div class="dbTitle">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>
<div class="disignBoxBottom">
<div class="disignBoxBottom2">
<div class="boxContent">__designbox_content__</div>


i wish that make it clear little bit .

Thanks .


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Quote · 2 Jan 2010


the problem is about one of my templates.

i will take a look tomorrow and let you know if i find a way to fix it


ue30 Mods -
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Second designbox_1.html from a difffrent template looke like this :

<div class="disignBoxFirst">
<div class="disignBoxFirst2">
<div class="boxFirstHeader"><div class="dbTitle">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>
<div class="disignBoxBottom">
<div class="disignBoxBottom2">
<div class="boxContent">__designbox_content__</div>


Is that the whole script in designbox_1.html?  I know what you're talking about. I got mine fixed by switching something around in order to make that wall feature to work.

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

Ahhhhhhh........ the template creator working on the fix, instead of everyone but.    What a concept!

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 2 Jan 2010

I'm not sure what kind of template you have.  All designbox_1.html are different.

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

You know what I would do.  I would focus on what's causing the problem.

First try remove something.  Remove the red text and test to see if the walls work properly or not. Don't worry about the design yet.

<div class="disignBoxFirst">

<div class="disignBoxFirst2">

<div class="boxFirstHeader"><div class="dbTitle">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>

<div class="disignBoxBottom">

<div class="disignBoxBottom2">

<div class="boxContent">__designbox_content__</div>

If nothing works... try this

<div class="disignBoxFirst">

<div class="disignBoxFirst2">

<div class="boxFirstHeader"><div class="dbTitle">__title__</div>__caption_item__</div>

<div class="disignBoxBottom">

<div class="disignBoxBottom2">

<div class="boxContent">__designbox_content__</div>

Let me know.  Then you need to move one or two around along with </div>.  It works for me but again it depends on the kind of template you have.

Quote · 2 Jan 2010

the ue30 template is updated and the problem fixed

please download new on expertzzz

ue30 Mods -
Quote · 3 Jan 2010

the ue30 template is updated and the problem fixed

please download new on expertzzz

Thanks it worked fine :) , thanks to everyone whoms they tried harder to help me out .

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Quote · 3 Jan 2010

ue30, your a good person.. I will be picking up one of your Templates very soon...



Quote · 4 Jan 2010
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