drop down in quick search box

I would like to add another field with drop down in the quick search box on the home page, any one know how to do this? What files to change. I think I can add fields to the field builder in the join form, but can't find the form that makes up the box to add drop down in box.

Quote · 9 Mar 2009

ok, i'll explain this the best i can.

Admin>builders>field builder then look for box that defines sex, its actually from a predefined list.

click on the block that says sex untill it opens up, (eyop this is getting smutty LOL ) Go to advanced in the block tabs and you will see a link that says sex, click on that and you will get a box with the values already there. Male female. Now click on the big green cross and this will give you an empty space to fill in. Ive added couples in here by following the examples that are already  there. Save and when you go back to the drop down menu, it will show the field you just put in.

Im sure there is a easy way to do this, but this works.





Quote · 9 Mar 2009

I know that, but the quick search box on home page has:

I am: [ ]

seeking a: [ ]

aged: [ ] to [ ]

[] with photos only

I want to ad a field under aged that is a drop down list. Seeking

option: a life partner

option: a one night stand

option: causual relationship

option: to just chat

Quote · 9 Mar 2009

I checked under field builder and search profiles and quick won't let me put anything in and it is blank.

Quote · 9 Mar 2009

Open templates/base/scripts/BxBaseIndex.php then look for this code ;

function getBlockCode_QuickSearch() {


Every fields related to quick search is inside this function, you may add or removed  fields inside this function.

Quote · 9 Mar 2009
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