edit privacy/blank, etc

I'm still not getting help for the following issue:

The database does that store all the settings for the dolphin as well as members.  I can't do an upgrade to 9 from 8 as for some reason the sign up button doesn't work so I might have to do a clean install of 9.  I hate to lose all videos and settings. 


The following issue I included an image of the problem as you can see the drop menu is blank.


Does anyone know the following issue??


As an admin.  I go into "edit profile info" and to the right it says :

Edit profile privacy

Who can see it:



The drop down member to the right of the "who can see it" is blank you can't see what to click on.


When I log in as a member:

Dashboard tab I click on Privacy Settings:

There's a list that says:

Create New Privacy Group


Extends: "drop down menu is blank it only shows "None"


The same goes for all Default privacy group, default values, ads, blog, events, feedback, files, groups, photos, poll, profile map, simple messenger, sounds, store and videos.

All the drop down menus are blank.


This happened when I upgraded to 7.0.9.

There was an issue with the join button so I downgraded to 8.  Now the drop down menus are blank.

How can I fix this?

Also, I'd like to do a clean reinstall of the software.  I think as long as the database is intact on my hosting that doing a reinstall won't overwrite everything and that all members won't be compromised. 

Same goes when I transfer to a hosting suggested by boonex that the database will still be intact. 

Am I right on this?


blank.jpg · 24.6K · 157 views
Quote · 4 Apr 2012

Look at your sys_privacy_groups table and see if it has anything in there, if not, try this


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `sys_privacy_groups` (
  `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `owner_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `parent_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `home_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `get_parent` text NOT NULL,
  `get_content` text NOT NULL,
  `members_count` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

-- Dumping data for table `sys_privacy_groups`

INSERT INTO `sys_privacy_groups` (`id`, `owner_id`, `parent_id`, `title`, `home_url`, `get_parent`, `get_content`, `members_count`) VALUES
(1, 0, 0, '', '', '$aProfile = getProfileInfo($arg1); return (int)$aProfile[''PrivacyDefaultGroup''];', '', 0),
(2, 0, 0, '', '', '', 'return false;', 0),
(3, 0, 0, '', '', '', 'return true;', 0),
(4, 0, 0, '', '', '', 'return isMember();', 0),
(5, 0, 0, '', 'communicator.php?communicator_mode=friends_list', '', '$aIds = $arg0->fromMemory($arg0->_sGroupFriendsCache . $arg1, "getColumn", "SELECT `p`.`ID` AS `id` FROM `Profiles` AS `p` LEFT JOIN `sys_friend_list` AS `f1` ON (`f1`.`ID`=`p`.`ID` AND `f1`.`Profile`=''" . $arg1 . "'' AND `f1`.`Check`=1) LEFT JOIN `sys_friend_list` AS `f2` ON (`f2`.`Profile`=p.`ID` AND `f2`.`ID`=''" . $arg1 . "'' AND `f2`.`Check`=1) WHERE 1 AND (`f1`.`ID` IS NOT NULL OR `f2`.`ID` IS NOT NULL)"); return in_array($arg2, $aIds);', 0),
(6, 0, 0, '', 'communicator.php?&communicator_mode=hotlist_requests', '', '$aIds = $arg0->fromMemory($arg0->_sGroupFavesCache . $arg1, "getColumn", "SELECT `Profile` AS `id` FROM `sys_fave_list` WHERE `ID`=''" . $arg1 . "''"); return in_array($arg2, $aIds);', 0),
(7, 0, 0, '', 'mail.php?&mode=inbox&contacts_mode=Contacted', '', '$aIds = $arg0->fromMemory($arg0->_sGroupContactsCache . $arg1, "getColumn", "SELECT `tp`.`ID` AS `id` FROM `sys_messages` AS `tm` INNER JOIN `Profiles` AS `tp` ON (`tm`.`Sender`=`tp`.`ID` AND `tm`.`Recipient`=''" . $arg1 . "'') OR (`tm`.`Recipient`=`tp`.`ID` AND `tm`.`Sender`=''" . $arg1 . "'')"); return in_array($arg2, $aIds);', 0),


This is Straight from plain test dolphin site I use when I get myself in trouble.  ;)

Hope this helps!

BTW, you should REALLY backup your database weekly at the least. I have a cron that runs everynight and backs up to an external drive,


Quote · 4 Apr 2012

I'll have to figure out how to run the Cron.  All I get in the email is "no input data"



Quote · 4 Apr 2012

Where is the sys_privacy_groups?


Is that in the "inc/classes/BxDolPrivacyQuery.php"


or is it in the database itself?

Quote · 5 Apr 2012


Where is the sys_privacy_groups?


Is that in the "inc/classes/BxDolPrivacyQuery.php"


or is it in the database itself?

It is a table in the database.

Quote · 5 Apr 2012

I'm fairly new to this.  Does anyone have any information  where I can go to on the web to learn some of this stuff?

Quote · 5 Apr 2012

I looked at the structure of hte sys_privacy_group but I don't see anything out of the ordinary they all seem to match up with what you told me.  This all seemed to of malfunctioned when I upgraded to 7.0.9 and degraded to 7.0.8  I don't see how the .db would have anything to do with it.  But then again I could be wrong as I am a novice.  any other suggestions????  is there another website besides this one where I can get more help?

Quote · 6 Apr 2012

The database RUNS dolphin. There are a lot of dependencies from one table to another to make things work.


If you upgraded to .09 then went back to .08 there was possibly some database changes that occurred during the upgrade that no longer works with .08.

Sorry to say, but you may need to do a fresh install.  on a clean database.  If you have users, you might be able to export your entire database to an SQL file and then pick and choose thru that file what to restore back after re installing.

For your cron tab on backing up your database, I use this (obviously you have to adjust the path name for the stored file).


MAILTO=yourEmail@yourDomain.com;  mysqldump yourDatabaseName -u yourDatabaseUser -pyourDatabasePassword  | gzip > pathToBackupDrive/Backups/MySqlBackups/yourDataBaseName_$(date +%Y-%m-%d).sql.gz  

This runs everynight @ 3:00am to backup my database.  I keep 30 days of backups.

Quote · 6 Apr 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.