i got an error when i try to change language on the index page.. but not
when im any other page... test it you will see... i always see an error
page when i try to load a different language on the index page...
i use the last version of dolphin.. do the FINAL 7 version and i still got bug... so will it be solve the next patch 7.0.1 ???
its only when i try to change language in the index page... it work great on any other page...
I've never had this issue. What kind of error are you getting? BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Ok, i test the problem and i found that it's only happen with internet explorer.... with firefox i dont have this issue....
when i use internet explorer and i try to change language on the index page i got:
Internet Explorer ne peut pas afficher cette page
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- La connexion Internet a été perdue.
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- Le serveur de noms de domaine (DNS) ne contient pas d’entrée
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- Il se peut que l’adresse contienne une erreur de frappe.
- S’il s’agit d’une adresse HTTPS (sécurisée), cliquez sur
Outils, sur Options Internet, puis sur Avancées et vérifiez que les protocoles
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puis sur Travailler hors connexion.
- Cliquez sur le bouton Centre des favoris
, cliquez sur Historique, puis cliquez sur la page
que vous souhaitez afficher.
i dont test it with safari browser and chrome... but at least it work with firefox....
so the bug will not be fixed in the 7.0.1 release??? |
i have the same problem but i know now what the problem is , if jou have more than 17 active blocks on the index then jou get the error if jou have 17 or less there is no problem do not know if it is a dolphin or ie error but that is what i found try if it works when jou set back your active blocks
i have the same problem but i know now what the problem is , if jou have more than 17 active blocks on the index then jou get the error if jou have 17 or less there is no problem do not know if it is a dolphin or ie error but that is what i found try if it works when jou set back your active blocks
just tested it in firefox and there is no problem there so the problem is dolphin not fully compattible whit ie8 on windows 7
I don't have this error myself with IE7, but this error is possibly due to some block.
For example if I put the Latest News block in the left column, the Promo block will display small images on the right bottom corner of this block. If the Latest News block is in the right column, everything is fine with the Promo block... ???
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