events not showing on homepage - any ideas?

A new install on a new (hosted server) - working well except the events block in the homepage for all levels of users says "sorry nothing found" - even though the events all appear under the events page, calendar etc. they are searchable too.

One thing, all the events are admin posted, and users dont have events posting rights - but they can see them ok (as is wanted) when they follow the events links - just this bloody ugly "sorry etc" smack in the middle of the homepage - Its important that events appear on the homepage too, otherwise i'd just lose it.

Seems strange that there are no events settings under advanced settings, or anywhere else that I can make out - except user priveleges. ho hum...

Any thoughts are welcome - especially ones that make the problem go away lol.

nearly forgot - as well as the empty events block (empty except "big sorry") there is also a next, all and and previous link. clicking next scrolls to a new "sorry" message. Pah.

Quote · 15 Mar 2009

have you created a user account, and set an event based on a user, and see if it propogates to the front page? im not that familiar with the events aspect, but would be interested in knowing exactly what is happening there.



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Quote · 15 Mar 2009

Thanks for the reply DosDawg.

Interesting... I did as you suggested and created one user event: And.. It shows up on the events block on the home page. If I follow the "next" and "previous" links to the previously existing admin events they scroll to show the "sorry" message - so they have not been miraculously cured.

I then went and created a new admin event - and yet again it doesn't show up on the homepage.

I am thinking that I may switch to using an iframed google calendar instead of persuing this - as the main function that I want is to have a schedule of bookings on the site - maintained by the admin - not a sort of members scratch pad calender thats open to all.

It is peculiar though...

Quote · 15 Mar 2009

tifran, why not create a membership level that is allowed to create events via the Admin Panel, and then create a profile on the site for Admin and set that profile only to that event and deny permission to create events to all other profile types.  This would allow you to set the Events and deny them to others and allow them to appear on your home page.

Quote · 15 Mar 2009

Hehe. yes I was just reaching that conclusion too -

I have noticed something though.

when only admin events existed the events block on the homepage was titled "events" and did not work. the minute that a member event was created it changed to "members events" and showed the 1 members event. which makes sense.

I am wondering if the prob with admin created events is that they have no front-end member to blame their creation on.

so making an admin member rather than just a backend admin would make sense - snag may be that there are no events abilities listed under members actions.

edit -

in fact I cant find anywhere to limit permissions to write events, except under the advanced settings screen which toggles off or on all members.

Quote · 15 Mar 2009


I had the same problem as you, and all of a sudden, it was gone and I was able to post events again, without doing anything (apparently...).

Now I am trying to change the number of events shown on the front page but I can't. I have tried searching for the place to change that number on phpmyadmin, but couldn't find it. Any ideas?

Also, does anybody know how to send an e-mail to all the members whenever an event is created? I know it has to be something the same way as the be friend notification is... If anyone knows how to solve any of this....


Quote · 17 Mar 2009


is there any news about this supposed bug?

I've the same problem: no admin events showing on home.


- No blogs showing up in any site's page even if I've created two using a test account

- No polls showing up in any site's page even if I created some using test accounts

Events (and blogs) not showing up are a big problem to me, my site has been created to SELL EVENTS proposed by the admin and giving to members the possibility to post events by themselves would make the whole site useless :(

Quote · 10 Apr 2009


Nope. I havent found a solution to this and many other problems with this script. I think that the events posted by the admin are only visible from the backend (so are in fact a bit of a waste of time). members events seem to behave differently and perhaps should be thought of as a completely different thing. much like the two types of news (members news and admins news).

my blogs are working, so perhaps you have made a change that has disrupted them. I am beginning to think this is what has happened to my groups box on the homepage, which shows only 16 chars of the groups description. None of this is made any easier by the fact that seemingly all of the boxes on the homepage are named as blog classes and id's for css - which makes tracing the route through the many disjointed pages and scripts that construct them almost impossible.

sad to say that I too am about to give up on boonex.

have a look at wordpress-mu and its social networking plugin buddypress - It is I think what boonex dolphin should be, and they have documentation, including a user guide.

Quote · 10 Apr 2009

Thanks for your reply, tifrap.

I'm trying to find a way to overcome this bug and the only one I found is: giving to members the possibility to add events, removing the "add event" link from events page, then registering a member account named administrator (or any other nick you prefer) and adding events loading directly the add events page from its link.

In that way I lose lots of features we could have posting events from the admin panel (i.e. setting a tickets number, the price for each ticket etc.), but I least I can preserve the goal of my site that is SELLING TICKETS FOR VARIOUS EVENTS Sealed!!!

I'll take a look at that other scripts you said, but I've spent so many time (and money) to have the site up and (almost) running that I'd prefer to avoid to be obliged to throw away all, besides that I've no skills for programming languages etc and my hosting customer service is helping me a lot with Dolphin.

Quote · 10 Apr 2009


I've just found this topic that could help on solving the problem

It works fine, tho I'm still having troubles with thumbnails not showing because if I apply the modifications suggested to fix this bug I have back this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: geticonnamebypicturename() in /home/millemil/public_html/admin/sdating_admin.php on line 77

Quote · 11 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.