expanding group text on homepage - how?

Just a quickie - the groups box on the homepage currently cuts all group descriptions to 16 chars.
I'm getting group descriptions like "for everyone who".

The full descriptions show ok on the group page - they just get cut in the group snippet boxes.
anyone know if there is any way of increasing this to something a bit longer, say 200 chars - it doesnt seem related to the news char limits on advanced settings, but is of a similar nature I think.

Quote · 3 Apr 2009



I need to increase the despcription text for groups on my homepage - it only shows 16 characters.

cant find a setting for this anywhere...

Quote · 6 Apr 2009

please provide your url to see this in action.  I have a test site that I just created a group on and from what I can see on the homepage there are more than 16 characters in the group description.  http://thebestofonline.com/dolphin/index.php is the test site url for you to see.  But please provide your url and we can have a look.

Quote · 6 Apr 2009

I discovered what this was.
I had used tinymce to format the html of the groups description - it seems that the html that was generated caused the text to be truncated at 16 chars.
strange seeing that there was no markup at that 16 char point.

I Noticed that the html option for tinymce is missing for that particular text entry box - so there was no way of seeing what a mess had been made of the html by the editor (it had wrapped the text in approx 5 span tags).

Is the html option for groups descriptions turned off for a reason?
does anyone know how I could re-enable it for that input box? - it is enabled for most others.

Quote · 11 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.