Hi all,
I've managed to install FB connect on a D7.1.6 site but when trying it out receive this message:
Invalid Scopes: user_interests.
Can anyone tell me where i need to go to remove user_interests from the plugin?
Hi all, I've managed to install FB connect on a D7.1.6 site but when trying it out receive this message:
Invalid Scopes: user_interests.
Can anyone tell me where i need to go to remove user_interests from the plugin?
ED It ain't easy being this stupid all of the time |
Can anyone tell me where i need to go to remove user_interests from the plugin?
File: modules/boonex/facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectConfig.php $this -> aFaceBookReqParams = array(
'scope' => 'email,user_hometown,user_birthday,user_interests,user_likes,user_location',
'redirect_uri' => $this -> sPageReciver,
Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Many thanks Alex, I'll get right on it as soon as the move to dedicated server is complete and let you know how i got on. Wish me luck lol
ED It ain't easy being this stupid all of the time |
Worked a treat Alex, many thanks Ed It ain't easy being this stupid all of the time |
Can anyone tell me where i need to go to remove user_interests from the plugin?
File: modules/boonex/facebook_connect/classes/BxFaceBookConnectConfig.php $this -> aFaceBookReqParams = array(
'scope' => 'email,user_hometown,user_birthday,user_interests,user_likes,user_location',
'redirect_uri' => $this -> sPageReciver,
Alex, Will this also work in D7.2.1 to remove user email? because if a new user signs in with FB connect and denies access to email it seems to log them in as a random member which is very worrying so i need to remove the email permission too TIA ED It ain't easy being this stupid all of the time |