Facebook share thumbnail is not working for my website.There are no changes in the _header.html
I have disabled all cache and checked an image link from my website in facebook Open Graph Object Debugger
i am getting the following error
"Error parsing input URL, no data was cached, or no data was scraped."
Any one else facing this issue? i checked the demo.boonex.com its working fine over there but there might be a difference between 7.2 fresh install and 7.1.6 upgraded to 7.2. Same as facebook connect issue due to the app version.
Umar Haroon |
Mine is working perfect on several sites. ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
lol..it started working. it took some time after i disabled the cache. around 30mins. Umar Haroon |
I also move the Facebook share to the recommend box, not all members have noticed the share icon on the menu bar.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
When you share your website url on facebook, which image appear in thumbnail? Is it the first uploaded image or the logo of your website? I have come to a conclusion that the first image uploaded should be the one which you want to appear while you share on other social networking websites. Umar Haroon |
I have come to a conclusion that the first image uploaded should be the one which you want to appear while you share on other social networking websites.
That depends if you have added the og:image for the site in the header.
Prior to 7.2, I had edited several sites with manual og tag info and Prashanks photo mod which worked up until the upgrade. I had to remove all those changes or yes, the site logo usually will be pulled first.
When your testing the link on the FB debugger, make sure to click the "fetch new information" when checking a link. Your site is not letting FB do that I think, see your PM.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
Umar Haroon |
That's been done already.
Also, if you do that, your photos shared will not work right since that is done in 7.2 automatically.
If your not wanting anything but one image shared then that will be fine.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
yes i don't want it like that.. I want it like www.nytimes.com, the only dynamic website i found where website is serving a static image when website is shared in facebook feed and also when any random image is shared it gets it own thumbnail. Can you plz have a look here if you get some time. https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/echo?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F Umar Haroon |
I get:
Access denied. You must have advanced status at least to access this area or you are not logged in.
I thought Premium trumped Advanced.. So what do I have to do? Down Grade to view the post? I am logged in or I would not be able to make this post..
I get: Access denied.
I get it too.
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
yes i don't want it like that.. I want it like www.nytimes.com, the only dynamic website i found where website is serving a static image when website is shared in facebook feed and also when any random image is shared it gets it own thumbnail. Can you plz have a look here if you get some time. https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/echo?q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nytimes.com%2F
What do you not want?
ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong! |
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
@TruckingSpace - You'd think that a SuperModerator trumps them all but I get the same error :)
If I'm not mistaken, you can get that error if the post has been hidden/deleted.
Should change the verbiage to something like 'What you're looking for is long gone!'.
Nothing to see here |
lol. I got the super user access I made a mistake in the post ..so i had to delete it..it was in tips & trick section. Now plz calm down.
@newton i didn't want it like i did yesterday when i added the og:image tag in header.html. I realized it later it was creating trouble with the share function. I shared nytimes link so if you could figure it out how they did it.
Umar Haroon |
All of you who are wondering what was in that post. Here it is, but it is not the solution.
. Ever wonder when ever you share your website url on facebook it always change your website thumbnail. It is because facebook crawler collect latest images from your index page.
Now you can share an image of your choice. Here are the steps you need to follow to get a static image (thumbnail) of your choice to appear when ever you/others share your website url on facebook.
1. Upload the image of your choice in your dolphin website.
2. Now go to the image page and click on original image. A new page will open with your original image. Copy the url of the original image.
3. Now paste that url in this meta code
<meta property="og:image" content="paste url here" /> it will look like this
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.mywebsite.com/m/photos/get_image/original/ff5120d578a7c9a8225cb257a2cdgsea49d.png" />
4. Now copy the meta code with original image url in it.
5. Paste the code in your _header.html of evo template right after <head>
it will look like this
<meta property="og:image" content="http://www.mywebsite.com/m/photos/get_image/original/ff5120d578a7c9a8225cb257a2cdgsea49d.png" />
Path to _header.html file is /public_html/templates/tmpl_evo
6. clear your cache and public cache
7. go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/
enter your website url in there and debug it. If its not your first time then click " Fetch new scrape information"
8. Go to facebook and paste your website url and see it will be the thumbnail you wanted to appear when ever your website url is shared on facebook.
Umar Haroon |