few suggestion for 7.1

ok maybe i repeat myself with suggestion i already made in the past... but i just decide to create a little post again with some suggestion of mine :)

1. Online user result should be more autospecific....  what i mean is when a user click on online user... the list should show the member near him first...  because if you run a international community website with over 500 online member... and you want to see wich member is online to maybe date him... its more cool to primary see the member who live in the same city than you... and after in the same state and finally in the same country....and the rest of the world...  the website should recognize where you are and wich member is more subject to interest you... in the online member section.. and dont forget that its not all user who will enter a real zip code.. so you cannot bid on that... a lot of user want privacy and dont want to tell to the whole world where they live specificly...

2. Specific city and state, when a user create an account... he can choose the country from a list... why this feature is not also available for the state and city... i see on a lot of other professional website a autolist of country city and state... when you select a country, the state choice is changing to the country... after when you select a state the city choice is changing depending the state you choose... dolphin should have this feature... because when you make a search by city for finding member some member will not show in result... because people have different way to write city or state name... by example:  newyork, new york, ny        or    montreal, montréal, mtl

3. Music and audio files recognizer, when you play an mp3 or cd in winamp by example, most of the time the software recognize what is the song and from wich album it is... the cover album is showing. So this feature could be useful to automaticly add the cover for every music user upload... and also the server could recognize if that song is already on the server... if its the case... it can ask to the user to simply put a direct link to the song already on the server unstead of uploading this same file again on the server... this can save webmaster a lot of disk space...   i dont want to have 15 times the same song of michael jackson on the server...

4. Multi domain website management for one member database, if you want to run 2 or 3 website using the dolphin script with 2 or 3 different theme... this could be cool to have the same database member... but specific theme, menu config, default language, layout and site news. So for those who want 2 domain one for the french version of the website and one for the english version this could be very usefull, or a domain for the girl version and a domain for the boy version.

5. Private messaging included in the desktop app, for now desktop app is only usefull to see who's online, but when you click on a user you automaticly open a popup browser windows...  this should be more like msn messenger...  i think that the desktop app need a lot of improvement.... because for now i think the software is very basic and not very good looking.... Also you should be able to receive the simple messenger message in the desktop app, exaclty like msn did...

6. VoiceIp phone call, this could be another very cool plugin for dolphin, unstead of starting a windows private webcam and audio chat... user could also simply call another online user by simply click on a phone icon... and the other user ear a ring tone and see a popup message to accept or not the call... if yes the user can start talking live by voice with the other user...

7. Multiplayer online games, when user find the time boring on your website because they dont find the perfect match online at the moment... they can play some flash game... alone but also in multiplayer mode with other online member... like chess, battleship, bowling, card games, uno, sport game, racing...etc

8. 3D chat, virtual city... just check at abledating... this could be very awsome and high technology feature for a professional website... simple text chat with room exist over 10 years ago...  we are in 2009... we need a way to chat in other way more virtual... a new way to get the interest of the member...

9. Greating recording... user can already record audio...  so i dont think this feature will be very hard to do... the simply thing i think we need is to make a profil greating audio message. it will be show not in the audio album and user will not be able to add 6 greating message... this should be like the avatar... he choose only one... can edit it at anytime, but when another user look at the profil... the greating (speaker icon) should appear next his avatar... so you will be able to hear what the member have to say with his own voice about himself...

10. Force edit profil on next login, for a unique user or to all user. Why this feature? because if the admin change a few thing in the profil field... and want that user make a new choice for some field because the choice is now better or simply different... user will have to re edit their choice in the profil field selection... by example if for now user can choose when they complete their profil: What sport do you like :  Outdoor sports, indoor sport.

and after the webmaster change the choice of the answer to :  bike, skiing, swimming, roller, walk, boxing...   the profil will not be up to date... so member had to make a different choice... so thats why force user to rechoose choice in the profil field on the next login can be usefull...

11. Intro page, webmaster should be able to have put an intro page, for a 18+ warning if the website is for adult only or simply to put a flash animation intro movie when user come for the first time on the website...

12. More payment gateway, i know i talk about too many time but i think this is a serious problem... if you look at the other dating script on the market... they all offer over 4-6 different payment gateway.. not only paypal... paypal is becomming more and more strict and difficult to be approved... dont accept adult dating website, astrology website content and more and more rules appear all the time and this is bad... so think about 2checkout, alertpay, allopass, ccbill and a lot more

13. Mandatory photo upload on signup, for now its not possible for the admin to make this field mandatory... and it should... if webmaster want to start a dating website with real people with real photo... he dont want to have 60% of the member using the preuploaded dolphin avatar....

14. Moderator live help button, user should be able to talk to any moderator online with a simple click when he got trouble or got a question...  so a simple button (Live Help) should be available for member.. and when a member click on the button... a popup live chat windows open if the admin or any mod is online and start talkin with... the server will automaticly redirect the chat by priority... to the admin first... if the admin is not online.. redirect the chat to a moderator...

15. Simple messenger improvement, for now this feature is already very cool, but what's happenning when user talk for the second time to another user... this open a new BLANK popup windows... why simply record the few last phrase of the previous discussion... so user will be start from that... so when you chat with another member and close the chat... when you talk to him 1 week later... you can read what was the kind of discussion you get with him the last time so got a better idea to talk about... the member was nice or not? interesting or not? etc... so you dont start from the beggining another presentation chat when you forgot him... specificly when you chat with over 15 members at the same time...I think this problem already solve but im not sure so thats why i put it on the list... but by the way i got a another point : whats happenning if you got 10 member who want to talk with you with the simple messenger option and the admin set the limit to 5? do you lost all the other member message?

so tell me what you think about these suggestion... and i hope that they all be in the 7.1 trac ;)

finally it's not a little post LOL


Quote · 15 Oct 2009

16. if you create 3 page of signup process for member.... it is possible to have a special title for each page... by example

page 1 : Main info

page 2 : Social info

page 3 : Cultural info

Quote · 16 Oct 2009

For point 3. ( Music and audio files recognizer )

I found an website http://www.shazam.com/music/web/home.html  ( i use this program for my phone Nokia N95 ) how it work... i play a sound and let the phone listen that sound.. after some second the program conect to Shazam database and tell me what`s the name of the song, who is the autor and the show me the cover of the album

Quote · 17 Oct 2009

For point 3. ( Music and audio files recognizer )

I found an website http://www.shazam.com/music/web/home.html  ( i use this program for my phone Nokia N95 ) how it work... i play a sound and let the phone listen that sound.. after some second the program conect to Shazam database and tell me what`s the name of the song, who is the autor and the show me the cover of the album

cool, but me i talk more about file info recognition.... in most of the mp3. info as singer, song title and album is already included in the mp3 file... so if the server can connect to some database to find the cd cover and show it when the song is playing... and more... maybe he can put a link to buy the album on amazon or else where...  could be another way for the website to get some revenu.... and this way i think webmaster will not have to worry about copyright law...

Quote · 20 Oct 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.