Is it possible to use Boonex for file sharing?
Im wanting it so that members can upload stuff for a mobile phone wallpapers and themes website idea.
I know you can share images right now by viewing the original image and then right clicking and saving it, but what about theme files?
can it be done?>
Hi guys. If someone from you can help me with realization of this idea - I can create such mod. Contact me PM.
I just need .. sample screenshotes what need in result :)
I find something, but want to listen and your opinion too
Thanks for that -much appreciated! gonna head on over and take a look - aramis -I might be in touch, thanks for replying so promptly.
Just because this is important what it will ..
or real file sharing system. or just files in categories :)
Yes indeed how does one go about enable filesharing on our communities. I would like to also add Mobile games,ringtones ,wallpapers etc as i have a mobile version of my site!! |
Ok, .. I`ll try to realize this as files holder in categories. |
Hello guys,
so, 5 days passed. And I worked to realize our new plugin.
Pre-Alpha version here
It have about 30 different functions (features)
I will listed just most important:
1. File upload.
2. Multiple categories (same as at Unity here)
3. Total safe keeping of files in hard to seek place
4. Ratings, comments, search
5. 3 access levels to file page (public, for friends, password protected)
6. translate-able categories (all strings here provided via lang keys)
7. Safety. Even if another man will have ID (number) of file , it will impossible to get access to this file (if it pass protected) ;)
Guys, I want that you all help me now. Lets check this all and I want to listen next your suggestion
OK, I joined your site to test this out.
Now when I clicked the thumbnail it took me to this page:
I think on this page there should be an image of the file - or allow the members the choice of uploading an image for the file.
For instance if this was a mobile phone theme - Id want to generate an aanimated gif file to show all the theme images and screenshots - I think there should not be a restriction on image size, or not any bigger than about 900x900pixels as an example
One more question - in the actions menu - how did you edit the word to "download" (from "original size") - Just been looking to try and do this word change on my own script)
Ok, back to the mod.
Its very good, but I do think members need to be able to decide about having an image to upload with a file.
Then the images or thumbnails can be shown in search results.
Again - sorting by rating etc is a must.
So back to what I originally wanted - can admin create multiple categories or are they programmed in by you?
Ideally all admin confiigurable would be the way to go.
so admin can create hundreds of category of mobile phone
then a member can choose from a drop down menu which phone his wallpaper is for or his ringtone
What can I say, It looks good, I think everything that is needed for most webmasters is there. 3 levels of security good. Categories perfect. I see ranking also good.
So what we need more, I can't think more.. So nice done Aramis! Kids first |
I`m not sure that need to do a thumb for files. I always provide its with little thumb of type of file. If it will just image, it will broke idea of this mod :) just because in your windows system each file have just one type of icon, depends on file type. If here will image (different) .. it will just sharing photo that always presents in dolphin, for what? :) Next, all actions here mine. I developed new plugin, it haven`t nothing common with dolphin shared system. This is stand alone plugin, so wording >how did you edit the word to "download" (from "original size") totally wrong, I`m not changing here nothing, this is all mine actions. Files always saved as original, they haven`t any thumbs and icons, just because this is not only images. More, files saved in MD5 filename, it give big protection for you. Just because hard to find original name and location. And all files haven`t extension. So it will impossible to execute at server side.
Next. Blocks (top and last) always have sorting (by rate and date) and have pagination. And here also block - file of day (one image of today, having biggest rating). These blocks filter by viewed category.
Categories and admin. Admin have all tools to create/edit/delete categories. And more, not only admin, In this mod I give to moderators same rights to moderate and pending files and categories.
And want to give know. This is mod not only for you, not only for images ofcellphones. I want to do something useful to alls, to many customers :) |
as a file sharing mod it is good - congratulations - may even buy it one day.
However, as a theme file for a mobile phone, members will want to know the contents of a theme file. This is why I asked for an image as well. But I guess this is more personalised programming.
Otherwise - good mod, well done
Well it looks to be a very good mod and i am sure i will buy it in the near future!!  |