forums won't work. help me out

fresh install of 6.1.6 i cant really explain whats wrong  but here take a look for yourself and go to forums and look at the error


how do i fix this? any idea?

Quote · 21 May 2009

I have the very same problem. Hope some will reply and help with this issue...

Quote · 21 May 2009

go threw admin panel to plugins

then click on EN in orca forums BUT ONLY CAN BE DONE THREW ADMIN PANEL

hope that helps!

Quote · 21 May 2009

any ideas???    i click on en nothing happened


boonex? any ideas help us out please!


Quote · 29 May 2009

Do you have any problems at install? Check your ORCA folder permissions?

Quote · 29 May 2009

I solved the problem by switching host, my previous host wasn't really Dolphin ready..That has to do with you Xslt processor settings on your server..Hope this helps..

Quote · 29 May 2009

Create a file called phpinfo.php and put this line of code in it:

<? phpinfo(); ?>

Upload it to your server and point your browser to it.   Make sure XSL and EXSLT are enabled.  If they are not, contact your host.  According to IX web hosting these are enabled by default, but it doesn't hurt to verify it.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 29 May 2009

I had this problem as well. I got xsl installed and all the broken html went away, but i still have the language file proglem.  fails when i try to compile.  i've tried the orca_fix chmod 666, and tried to complie from groups/orca as well. no luck

Thanks for the xsl least the forum is usable now.

Quote · 29 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.