Well i found something that will remove both url and embed in the video's so perhaps it can be applied to the gallery too, if fact i think it does do the gallery at the same time. also in the file is the code for the tags..
Save the original file before you mess with it though just in case you need to restore it..
The file to edit is:
First backup the file before making any changes to the file.
Then find:
<div id="serviceInfo">
<?=_t("_Added")?>: <b><?=defineTimeInterval($aFile['medDate'])?></b>
<?=$sNumberAlt?>: <?=$aFile['medViews']?>
<input type="text" onClick="this.focus();
this.select();" readonly="true"
<input type="text" onClick="this.focus();
this.select();" readonly="true"
And remove the references to url and embed including the </div> or you will get an error.
Remove this:
<input type="text" onClick="this.focus();
this.select();" readonly="true"
<input type="text" onClick="this.focus();
this.select();" readonly="true"
So it would look like:
<div id="serviceInfo">
<?=_t("_Added")?>: <b><?=defineTimeInterval($aFile['medDate'])?></b>
<?=$sNumberAlt?>: <?=$aFile['medViews']?>
Save the changes and upload over writing the original.
Visit a video page and refresh page if necessary to see the changes.