i have to zoom there then only it shows
This is your key point. If you have to many entries at the same point or arround one point the google maps recalculcate the rendering. This is why it seems there are not all users.
Try this:
add this configuration parameter:
where to add this ..plz tell me the steps
Deano pointed the way; I guess you missed it so will just post here:
return $this->getAll("SELECT `m`.`id`, `m`.`part`, `m`.`title`, `m`.`uri`, `m`.`lat`, `m`.`lng` FROM `" . $this->_sPrefix . "locations` AS `m` WHERE `m`.`failed` = 0 $sWhere LIMIT 100");
return $this->getAll("SELECT `m`.`id`, `m`.`part`, `m`.`title`, `m`.`uri`, `m`.`lat`, `m`.`lng` FROM `" . $this->_sPrefix . "locations` AS `m` WHERE `m`.`failed` = 0 $sWhere LIMIT 700");
in modules\boonex\world_map\classes\BxWmapDb.php