I try to create a function that could show photos of groups in their pages (in grp.php).
Here's what I tried :
1) I have modified getBlockCode_SharedMedia in bxdolsharedmedia in order to create a new function (that I called getBlockCode_SharedMedia_group) who just cares abour group_photos.
2) I inserted a line in page_71.html of my template with "group_gallery".
3) Then, in grp.php, I add just after $_page_cont[$_ni]['group_forum'] = $sGrpVForum; :
function getBlockCode_SharePhotos () {
$aMem = array('ID'=>$groupID);
$oMedia = new BxDolSharedMedia('photo', $this->aConfSite, $this->aConfDir, $aMem);
$aRes = $oMedia->getBlockCode_SharedMedia_group($oMedia->iViewer);
return $aRes;
$_page_cont[$_ni]['group_gallery'] = getBlockCode_SharePhotos ($groupID);
But It only print "array" in the place of "group_gallery". If I write print_f($ares), the array seems to contain the right informations... I also tried to change oMedia in oGroups : It gives me an error with " Call to a member function on a non-object"... The same method seems to be used in member.php, and it works ; I don't see what is missing in my way of coding this.
Can someone help me please ?