
Before I executed the install script of Dolphin 7 I erased the old database and user that affected the last install step of Dolphin 7.


On the last page of the script it warned that 'can not get write access to config file ../inc/header.inc.php'


The permission set did not indicate that this file with permission 644 should be changed and it seems not after I cheqed file permissions.


Now when i'm accessing the site I only see -


'Call to a member function on a non-object in /home/account/public_html/inc/db.inc.php on line 42

I edited header.inc.php and that is from an earlier version 6.1.


I can not access the site or the admin area, therefore i want to know if it's possible to change values on the lines









with the values I type in during the install script so I will grant access to the site and the admin area.


Maybe there is a lot more to change.

Quote · 5 Nov 2009

Copy of header.inc.php - DOL7Beta8

you need to edit this var




*                            Dolphin Smart Community Builder
*                              -----------------
*     begin                : Mon Mar 23 2006
*     copyright            : (C) 2006 BoonEx Group
*     website              : http://www.boonex.com/
* This file is part of Dolphin - Smart Community Builder
* Dolphin is free software. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
* http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
* Dolphin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License along with Dolphin,
* see license.txt file; if not, write to marketing@boonex.com

$site['ver']               = '7.0';
$site['build']             = 'beta';
$site['url']               = "http://www.domain_name.com/";
$admin_dir                 = "administration";
$site['url_admin']         = "{$site['url']}$admin_dir/";

$site['mediaImages']       = "{$site['url']}media/images/";
$site['gallery']           = "{$site['url']}media/images/gallery/";
$site['flags']             = "{$site['url']}media/images/flags/";
$site['banners']           = "{$site['url']}media/images/banners/";
$site['imagesPromo']       = "{$site['url']}media/images/promo/";
$site['tmp']               = "{$site['url']}tmp/";
$site['plugins']           = "{$site['url']}plugins/";
$site['base']              = "{$site['url']}templates/base/";

$site['bugReportMail']     = "admin@domain_name.com";

$dir['root']               = "/home2/username/public_html/";
$dir['inc']                = "{$dir['root']}inc/";
$dir['profileImage']       = "{$dir['root']}media/images/profile/";

$dir['mediaImages']        = "{$dir['root']}media/images/";
$dir['gallery']            = "{$dir['root']}media/images/gallery/";
$dir['flags']              = "{$dir['root']}media/images/flags/";
$dir['banners']            = "{$dir['root']}media/images/banners/";
$dir['imagesPromo']        = "{$dir['root']}media/images/promo/";
$dir['tmp']                = "{$dir['root']}tmp/";
$dir['cache']              = "{$dir['root']}cache/";
$dir['plugins']            = "{$dir['root']}plugins/";
$dir['base']               = "{$dir['root']}templates/base/";
$dir['classes']            = "{$dir['inc']}classes/";

$video_ext                 = 'avi';
$MOGRIFY                   = "/usr/local/bin/mogrify";
$CONVERT                   = "/usr/local/bin/convert";
$COMPOSITE                 = "/usr/local/bin/composite";
$PHPBIN                    = "/usr/local/bin/php";

$db['host']                = 'localhost';
$db['sock']               = '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock';
$db['port']                = '';
$db['user']               = 'db_user';
$db['passwd']           = 'db_password';
$db['db']                  = 'db_name';

define('BX_DOL_URL_ROOT', $site['url']);
define('BX_DOL_URL_ADMIN', $site['url_admin']);
define('BX_DOL_URL_PLUGINS', $site['plugins']);
define('BX_DOL_URL_MODULES', $site['url'] . 'modules/' );
define('BX_DOL_URL_CACHE_PUBLIC', $site['url'] . 'cache_public/');

define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC', $dir['inc']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT', $dir['root']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_BASE', $dir['base']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CACHE', $dir['cache']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES', $dir['classes']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_PLUGINS', $dir['plugins']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_DBCACHE', $dir['cache']);
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_MODULES', $dir['root'] . 'modules/' );
define('BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CACHE_PUBLIC', $dir['root'] . 'cache_public/' );

define('DATABASE_HOST', $db['host']);
define('DATABASE_SOCK', $db['sock']);
define('DATABASE_PORT', $db['port']);
define('DATABASE_USER', $db['user']);
define('DATABASE_PASS', $db['passwd']);
define('DATABASE_NAME', $db['db']);

//check requirements
$aErrors = array();

$aErrors[] = (ini_get('register_globals') == 0) ? '' : '<font color="red">register_globals is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)</font>';
$aErrors[] = (ini_get('safe_mode') == 0) ? '' : '<font color="red">safe_mode is On, disable it</font>';
//$aErrors[] = (ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == 0) ? 'Off (warning, better keep this parameter in On to able register Dolphin' : '';
$aErrors[] = (((int)phpversion()) < 4) ? '<font color="red">PHP version too old, update server please</font>' : '';
$aErrors[] = (! extension_loaded( 'mbstring')) ? '<font color="red">mbstring extension not installed. <b>Warning!</b> Dolphin cannot work without <b>mbstring</b> extension.</font>' : '';

if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2", ">") == 1) {
$aErrors[] = (ini_get('allow_url_include') == 0) ? '' : '<font color="red">allow_url_include is On (warning, you should have this param in Off state, or your site will unsafe)</font>';

$aErrors = array_diff($aErrors, array('')); //delete empty
if (count($aErrors)) {
$sErrors = implode(" <br /> ", $aErrors);
echo <<<EOF
{$sErrors} <br />
Please go to the <br />
<a href="http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/GenDolTShooter">Dolphin Troubleshooter</a> <br />
and solve the problem.

//check correct hostname
$aUrl = parse_url( $site['url'] );
if( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) and 0 != strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $aUrl['host']) and 0 != strcasecmp($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $aUrl['host'] . ':80') )
header( "Location:http://{$aUrl['host']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}" );

// check if install folder exists
if ( !defined ('BX_SKIP_INSTALL_CHECK') && file_exists( $dir['root'] . 'install' ) )
$ret = <<<EOJ
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">
<title>Dolphin Smart Community Builder Installed</title>
<link href="install/general.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<div id="main">
<div id="header">
<img src="install/images/boonex-logo.png" alt="" /></div>
<div id="content">
<div class="installed_pic">
<img alt="Dolphin Installed" src="install/images/dolphin_installed.jpg" />

<div class="installed_text">
Please, remove INSTALL directory from your server and reload this page to activate your community site.
<div class="installed_text">
<a href="administration/modules.php">And only after goto admin page to install modules</a>
echo $ret;

// set error reporting level
if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.3.0", ">=") == 1)
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED);
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase', 0);

// set default encoding for multibyte functions

require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . "security.inc.php");
require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "flash/modules/global/inc/header.inc.php");
require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . "flash/modules/global/inc/content.inc.php");
require_once(BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . "BxDolService.php");

Quote · 5 Nov 2009

During the last step of the DB7 install script i've got this -


'Warning!!! can not get write access to config file ../inc/header.inc.php. Here is config file..'


The file had permission 644 before scripting.


There was no sign at the begining of the script that some files need to be changed when it chequed for proper permissions.


I've got confused when the 'Warning' showed up in the last second.


I will try to do another install, but maybe there is other files that pemission also need to changed for.


If the same error occurs i will upload the enclosed code.



Quote · 5 Nov 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.