I`ve just updated my dolphin site to 7.1 and noticed a few things aren't working as they should. Can anyone help with the following please?
When i try to send an email to another user on the site i can't click the send button, the send button is behind the check boxes for send copy to personal email and unclickable.
On my pre-update site on my front page I had a building block that showed most recent signups and another displaying most rated users. All i can show now are featured. I no longer see this option in the page builder blocks. Can I get this back anyway?
On the spy section I amonly able to see what members have done/are doing. I have `Track spy activity for guests` checked in the spy module in the dashboard. Can i fix this anyway at all?
Video messaging and video chat doesnt appear to be working. I have looked all over to try and fix this and have no idea why it's not working. If possible is there a way to remove the links so my members don't see the option at all?
If I buy a Dolphin license will it also cover Trident or will I need to pay again when Trident is released? If so, is it worth waiting for Trident to be released and just to buy a license then? What are the main differences between the two and how long will it be before Trident is released?
If anyone can help it would really be appreciated. Please keep the links or explanations simple tho, I`m not great at all this stuff :(