host gator RMS

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(8:39:37 PM) System: There currently are 4 people in front of you.
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(8:39:48 PM) System: There currently are 4 people in front of you.
There are currently 31 chat technicians assisting customers.

(8:39:59 PM) System: There currently are 4 people in front of you.
There are currently 31 chat technicians assisting customers.

(8:40:10 PM) System: There currently are 3 people in front of you.
There are currently 31 chat technicians assisting customers.

(8:40:21 PM) System: There currently are 2 people in front of you.
There are currently 31 chat technicians assisting customers.

(8:40:32 PM) System: There currently is 1 person in front of you.
There are currently 31 chat technicians assisting customers.

(8:40:43 PM) System: There currently is 1 person in front of you.
There are currently 31 chat technicians assisting customers.

(8:40:54 PM) System: There currently is 1 person in front of you.
There are currently 31 chat technicians assisting customers.

(8:41:05 PM) System: There currently are 0 people in front of you.
There are currently 31 chat technicians assisting customers.

(8:41:10 PM) Jason Sc: has entered the chat.

(8:41:44 PM) olariu romeo: heloo where its JAVA_HOME=/patch/jre1.x; ?

(8:42:36 PM) Jason Sc: Hello, welcome to HostGator Live Chat.

(8:42:48 PM) Jason Sc: I apologize I am not sure what you are asking for?

(8:43:04 PM) olariu romeo: i ned to instal my rms

(8:43:42 PM) Jason Sc:

Okay I see

(8:43:43 PM) olariu romeo: and do not know where java is installed on a server directory

(8:43:52 PM) Jason Sc: What type of account do you have with us?

(8:44:05 PM) olariu romeo: i have a baby acount

(8:44:19 PM) Jason Sc: Okay I see

(8:44:21 PM) olariu romeo: and i ned to test if dolphin working in your server

(8:44:24 PM) Jason Sc: Well Java is not install on that

(8:45:23 PM) olariu romeo: but can be installed?

(8:46:11 PM) Jason Sc: No

(8:46:21 PM) Jason Sc: You have to have a dedicated server for Java or VPS.

(8:46:23 PM) Jason Sc: You can sign up for a vps here:

(8:46:24 PM) Jason Sc: You can sign up for dedicated server here:

(8:47:41 PM) olariu romeo: I see listed your hosting in your hosting its script compatible with Dolphin script

(8:48:34 PM) Jason Sc: Yes but we support the version that does not have Java

(8:48:40 PM) Jason Sc: I apologize again for any inconvenience.

(8:49:04 PM) olariu romeo:

(8:51:10 PM) Jason Sc:


(8:51:23 PM) Jason Sc: Yes I see the logo

(8:51:34 PM) Jason Sc: However again we do not support Java on your account

(8:51:36 PM) Jason Sc: I apologize

(8:51:37 PM) olariu romeo: understand, so it may have to plan your RMS server hosting

(8:51:52 PM) olariu romeo: ok

(8:52:26 PM) Jason Sc:


(8:53:02 PM) olariu romeo: so you have to take another hosting

(8:53:29 PM) Jason Sc: Yes another account like VPS

(8:53:41 PM) Jason Sc: If you would like Java installed since that's not supported on your account currently

(8:53:42 PM) Jason Sc: You can sign up for a vps here:


(8:54:03 PM) olariu romeo: a dedicated server too expensive for a simple test script

(8:54:53 PM) olariu romeo: in a vps server i have java suport?

(8:56:17 PM) Jason Sc: Yes

(8:56:18 PM) Jason Sc:

You would

(8:57:04 PM) olariu romeo: its not specifici in a your web page

(8:58:55 PM) Jason Sc: You can do custom installs on VPS

(8:58:59 PM) Jason Sc: So you can install JAVA

(8:59:08 PM) Jason Sc: You can compile java with apache

(8:59:11 PM) Jason Sc: Its possible on a VPS

(8:59:17 PM) Jason Sc: Not on a shared (baby) account

(8:59:19 PM) Jason Sc: I apologize

(8:59:58 PM) olariu romeo:

(9:00:35 PM) Jason Sc:


(9:00:43 PM) Jason Sc: I am not sure what version you have that is requiring JAVA

(9:00:48 PM) Jason Sc: They make a version that does

(9:00:52 PM) Jason Sc: does not*

(9:01:07 PM) Jason Sc: So if you contact them and can get the verison without the requirement of JAVA

(9:01:10 PM) Jason Sc: You can install that

(9:01:32 PM) olariu romeo: NB: You need the ports 1935, 1936 and 5080 to be opened/enabled in your firewall or iptables.

(9:01:49 PM) Jason Sc:


(9:01:51 PM) Jason Sc: We can do that

(9:01:56 PM) olariu romeo: an javarequirements

(9:03:24 PM) olariu romeo: ok tanks

(9:03:39 PM) Jason Sc: You're welcome!

(9:03:39 PM) Jason Sc: Okay, take care and have a great day!

Quote · 14 Jan 2010

I don't see an issue with this. Why are people suddenly trying to also bring out the clean laundry of other hosts?

On a shared hosting environment, you cannot run any software such as the Ray Media Server, since you are sharing your resources with others (which is why they call it shared hosting). To run the Ray Media Server yourself, you must purchase a virtual private server, or a dedicated server. The only exception is if a Ray Media Server setup is created by the web host, and allows you to connect to it. Several hosts such as Arvixe, JoomByte and Terabyte Hosting Solutions do this for their shared accounts.

HostGator does indeed support Dolphin, as all that is needed to verify the support is if the script runs without host-related problems. The Ray Media Server is not a mandatory, needed feature of Dolphin, and is therefore considered an optional addon.

The support team member in this chat acted very responsible and seemed like a good person to work with, from what I saw.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 14 Jan 2010

Sounds reasonable.. Not sure why this was posted.


Nothing to see here
Quote · 14 Jan 2010

This is getting kind of silly isn't it?  I don't think I am a big fan of Arvixe but people were complaining here when they couldn't get through to them in like an hour.  Maybe the hosting companies should have their own groups here or something.   Now people are posting long chat transcripts, and we are supposed to be outraged for one reason or another.

Quote · 14 Jan 2010


Sounds reasonable.. Not sure why this was posted.





Rules for posting a host chat session, which weren't followed here:


1.  Make sure that the host is being unreasonable.

2.  Screen shot the conversation, do NOT just copy paste it.  We don't know if it's an honest conversation when it's screen shotted.  Sorry, but those are the simple facts of that.

3.  Do NOT post a conversation that shows a host being reasonable.

4.  You must have the Screen Name MyDatery if you want to post a chat conversation, otherwise your just tryin' to play with the Big Dogs and just embarrassin' yourself in the end. 


As you can see, this wannabe just didn't understand the rules.  Hostgator did a great job trying to explain something to the OP in this session and the OP just did NOT understand or wanted to  be difficult.  Next time please read the server requirements of Dolphin & RMS before tryin' to beat up a host.  You could of asked him for his RMS connection or if they had one and you might have been surprised at what you found out. 

In addition, if you we're attempting to install the RMS (Which you were by your request for the JAVA path) it demonstrates how badly you messed up and did not read the requirements of RMS as it can only be installed in the Root Directory by the Root User Login.  I know you did not have that.

Now where's my newspaper?  I need to smack a few little pups back into line here.

Quote · 14 Jan 2010

This is getting kind of silly isn't it?  I don't think I am a big fan of Arvixe but people were complaining here when they couldn't get through to them in like an hour.  Maybe the hosting companies should have their own groups here or something.   Now people are posting long chat transcripts, and we are supposed to be outraged for one reason or another.

I think some people have been getting too caught-up and are now thinking anything that doesn't go their way is wrong on the host's end. I admit, I've at times touched this route, and Arvixe has gotten some bad-rap when it isn't their fault. Then at other times, they've done some fairly idiotic things and those deserve some complaints.

I seriously think BoonEx should just drop this host shenanigans and allow the community to decide who's a good host and who's a worthless piece of crap. Then again, they like their money bags.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 14 Jan 2010

Boonex needs to create a matrix of services provided by the Hosts they recommend, so there is no confusion about what the different hosts have to offer.   Something like this:

Hosting Company 1 Hosting Company2 Hosting Company 3 Hosting Company 4
Shared Hosting YES Starting at $9.95/mo YES NO YES
VPS NO YES  Starting at $30/mo. YES YES
Dedicated Server Hosting NO YES  Starting at $79/mo YES YES
RMS with Shared Hosting YES NO NO YES
Other Stuff YES YES NO NO

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 14 Jan 2010

And they need to include ffmpeg.exe on that grid... several of the hosts they list as being compatable don't support it. Without it there is no video conversion, the little waiting circle just keeps spinning.

Quote · 14 Jan 2010

And they need to include ffmpeg.exe on that grid... several of the hosts they list as being compatable don't support it. Without it there is no video uploads conversion.


Quote · 14 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.