i am getting tons of users accessing my website.
some send 0 bytes some send 63 and others 400..
problem is it is not accessing the php files so they can not view the website.
any ideas on how to fix this.
it's probably a pretty minor configuration error on my part.
look i'll pay you for it/... heheheh
Wasn't there a topic about this a couple of weeks ago and it was determined that it wasn't an actual person trying to access the site.
Your site has 154,317 members, and 61,637 online. Looks like things are working fine now, eh? My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
it's not spammers or atytacks. these are connections from friends verified on msn messenger.. they can;'t log on |
I don't understand your question. Can be more clear? ---- |
Wow. That sure is a large amount of members. That would surely put your site in one of the highest membership Dolphin sites? It's odd how the Alexa traffic rank puts you at 6,303,419 though. I see in the two weeks since houstonlively's comment in this thread, you've acquired -1 member. |
The alexa traffic rank will be based on how many users visit your website and alexa is able to track that. ---- |
thanks for that information. I'm sure if i pursue it the authorities will love reading it too..
it's a direct violation of a supreme court order.. or do you know nothing about robots.txt
you are not allowd to copy or even monitor a website when it is in the root directory.
has boonex broken a supreme court order...
to stop all crawlers robots copiers monitors etc off your website or have them face prosecution add the following
to the root directory of your website in a file called simply ROBOTS.TXT
User-agent: * # applies to all robots Disallow: / # disallow indexing of all pages
and put it in your root directory.. boonex? what do you have to say?
I'm license to use this software. I expect you will abide by a supreme court order.. righT?
I couldn't get a correct idea about this thread. Can anyone explain whats being discussed here? ---- |
I couldn't get a correct idea about this thread. Can anyone explain whats being discussed here?
I don't think the OP even knows at this point. Sounds dangerous though, supreme court is getting involved?!
Skype: shawn.nelson |
Dude your site loads real slow What's that falling? its a bird, its a plane, oh wait its Facebook |
how did you get 154316 members ??
surprisingly there are only 2 videos, 1 group, 18 tags, 3 discussions and 3 music files.
Regards........ M.Chauhan U.K. |
becuase some one keeps frying my harddrive.. three times now. since 6.1.6 it has been fried... once it fried all the computers harddrives on my network including my moms.. i still have the harddrives that can only be recovered for a nice big fee of 2000 dollars each. and yes the packet logs are on them as well.
i had very few backups as it use to be a pretty good site
Why do people keep threatening to sue Boonex? Was it not your option to use their software? If you have issues, do you seriously think you will get assistance by threatening such a thing? I know you have issues with your site but do you really think threatening someone will get cooperation? You possess an intuitive intelligence so powerful it can help you heal, and relieve stress. |
no, but it always makes people feel better when they bitch |
thanks for that information. I'm sure if i pursue it the authorities will love reading it too..
it's a direct violation of a supreme court order.. or do you know nothing about robots.txt
you are not allowd to copy or even monitor a website when it is in the root directory.
has boonex broken a supreme court order...
to stop all crawlers robots copiers monitors etc off your website or have them face prosecution add the following
to the root directory of your website in a file called simply ROBOTS.TXT
User-agent: * # applies to all robots Disallow: / # disallow indexing of all pages
and put it in your root directory.. boonex? what do you have to say?
I'm license to use this software. I expect you will abide by a supreme court order.. righT?
Hm, this one is certainly very unclear... I fail to see where or how we've broken Supreme Court Order, or even what's the fuss about. Feel free to elaborate. We try to develop a habit of not braking any Orders of Supreme Courts, so it is necessary that we have a very clear understanding of what we've done wrong to bust that nefarious behaviour for good. So, can someone please explain what's the deal?
Heart Head Hands |
He's been creating topics blaming the software for all his problems, when it's his misconfigured server and network connection that's all being served from his house. He even made a topic a while back claiming you were remotely accessing and messing around with his site.
He needs to look at his server, make the proper configuration changes, and ensure he has the right network connection for a web server (which doesn't appear to be the case, especially when he was using another provider up until last month). In my opinion, he doesn't have the right amount of knowledge to run all this on his own, and would be better off purchasing hosting from a reputable company. He doesn't like this idea, because he doesn't trust anyone hosting his site.
I hope I'm not the only one who's realized that a Canadian is citing United States court rulings for an Australian company with developers primarily in Kyrgyzstan.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |
Wow, that's beautiful man........  http://towtalk.net ... Hosted by Zarconia.net! |
13. You are not permitted to operate an e-mail, web, news or other similar server through a Services account, except where such use is expressly permitted under your service plan.
So i see you like to not listen to the rules either.
https://dolphin-techs.com - Skype: Dolphin Techs |
13. You are not permitted to operate an e-mail, web, news or other similar server through a Services account, except where such use is expressly permitted under your service plan.
So i see you like to not listen to the rules either.
He was previously using Shaw before he moved to where he is now. I imagine he switched because they shut down his account for violating their terms of service by hosting a bandwidth-intensive website on one of their home network packages. He claims to be preparing to file a lawsuit against them.
BoonEx Certified Host: Zarconia.net - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin |