Hey everyone!
Sorry if this is a repeat question, but I'm having difficulty searching for the answer to this. How does one go about setting the members profiles to private? I'm kinda new to setting this up and I have a couple of communities that I'm working on.
I want to set the profiles to either "private" or "friends only" or "members only". Are these options available? I saw in the page builder how to set the different blocks as guests and/or member viewable, but that seems to only affect the page in question. Some members want to share all their info with the world, while others want only the members of the site to see their info, and others only want to share their info with people who are their "friends" on the site.
Thanks for humoring my question, and my apologies if this is a duplicate or is already answered somewhere else ... feel free to send me the link to the answer if it's already posted elsewhere.
Thanks again,
AFAIK, unfortunately Dolphin does NOT provide this MOST NECESSARY
basic privacy feature, What a drag . . . who would want to join a site with no privacy?
I don't mean to sound sarcastic, fellas. But... umm... if you want your information to be private, then don't post it on a social networking site. But, I do see the nifty-ness of such a feature. Won't the membership settings on admin suffice for your needs in the interim? |
The only privecy that you can get is by playing with the edit,view & search of profile fields without code. If you mean to let the user to pick who he want to share the information, I guess it's not part of Dolphin platform. You'll have to add additional table and join it with authntication & a little php code. |
Thanks for the feedback everyone! Yeah, I'm looking to have two things happen here
1) guests cannot view profiles (incentive to join?)
2) members can choose whether to make their profiles available to just those who "friend" them or to all members or (if no #1) to all viewing the site.
And you're right, not being able to see the profile at all defeats the purpose of the social networking site, but at the same time I think some people are concerned about their info being out there "for the world to see" and want a little more discrimination in who they allow to view their profile.
Or ... maybe it's just the nature of my site. *shrug*
But thanks for the input! Now I have to go figure this stuff out! :-)
Hi Lissa,
You can already do # 1 via admin > settings > membership levels... then removing the VIEW PROFILES membership action from NON-MEMBER. You can then make that it exists for STANDARD member.
For your #2, that is the one that will need a mod. Alternatively, you might try and catch TheGhost on any of his many forum postings. He is quite creative with workarounds using existing features. You may also query MrPowLess and DosDawg who are equally passionate about Dolphin hence have helped numerous people here with solutions.
Hi Lissa,
You can already do # 1 via admin > settings > membership levels... then removing the VIEW PROFILES membership action from NON-MEMBER. You can then make that it exists for STANDARD member.
For your #2, that is the one that will need a mod. Alternatively, you might try and catch TheGhost on any of his many forum postings. He is quite creative with workarounds using existing features. You may also query MrPowLess and DosDawg who are equally passionate about Dolphin hence have helped numerous people here with solutions.
Well .. this sounded promising, but when I went to try it, it didn't work as expected (for number #1). For one thing, the VIEW PROFILES action was not even listed in the non-member level. I can still see the profiles. Now, I went into the page builder and turned off viewing many of the blocks for "guest", but when you look at the photos, it still has personal information about the user. So I have to turn off the ability for guests to see that even as well. It's a bit frustrating, because I have to turn that off in so many different places.
Now, for example, the non-member can send "greetings" to members (i'm not sure what the point in that is since there is no information to pass along to the person anyways).
Anyways, I'm tinkering this to death and am unsure of what I've done, lol - "lets try this" no, that didn't work ... "how about this ..." nope, etc.
I have it about halfway where I want it, but only because I had to go into the page builder... ack! Maybe I should check out if there are any mods that do this already, lol.
Anyways, thanks everyone for your responses!
Hi Lissa,
You can already do # 1 via admin > settings > membership levels... then removing the VIEW PROFILES membership action from NON-MEMBER. You can then make that it exists for STANDARD member.
For your #2, that is the one that will need a mod. Alternatively, you might try and catch TheGhost on any of his many forum postings. He is quite creative with workarounds using existing features. You may also query MrPowLess and DosDawg who are equally passionate about Dolphin hence have helped numerous people here with solutions.
Well .. this sounded promising, but when I went to try it, it didn't work as expected (for number #1). For one thing, the VIEW PROFILES action was not even listed in the non-member level. I can still see the profiles. Now, I went into the page builder and turned off viewing many of the blocks for "guest", but when you look at the photos, it still has personal information about the user. So I have to turn off the ability for guests to see that even as well. It's a bit frustrating, because I have to turn that off in so many different places.
Now, for example, the non-member can send "greetings" to members (i'm not sure what the point in that is since there is no information to pass along to the person anyways).
Anyways, I'm tinkering this to death and am unsure of what I've done, lol - "lets try this" no, that didn't work ... "how about this ..." nope, etc.
I have it about halfway where I want it, but only because I had to go into the page builder... ack! Maybe I should check out if there are any mods that do this already, lol.
Anyways, thanks everyone for your responses!
Admin Dashboard --> Settings --> Membership Levels --> Membership Types --> Mebership Actions.
NOW... Depending on the exact feature/action and the desired Membership Type you can set many things. Profile Views,Photo Gallery Views,GuestBook Views. If your running in FREE mode then make sure your NON-Member, Standard, and Promo membership Actions are set accordingly. If you would like to create a MASTER MEMBER create a new TYPE --> Set Pricing and Actions. Now go Admin --> Users --> Members Find the member you want and select the ID # link. It will open up the Members Profile. Right at the TOP you can set FEATURED or MEMBERSHIP LEVEL.
FYI --> Membership Type must be ACTIVE before you can assign it. HOWEVER you can inactivate it and MEMBERSHIP ACTIONS will stay intact.
This is how to Make you Master of your DOMAIN while micromanaging everyone else.
If you have problems with the Above steps please ensure you are using the latest DOLPHIN6.1.4 and have followed these instructions --> HERE
AND RB I believe if you set your PROFILE to "inactive" it is PRIVATE feature in DOLPHIN simply by making you "inactive" to the community in general. I would test this and see if you can still participate in the community with assigned Membership Actions.? --> Let me know.
AND RB I believe if you set your PROFILE to "inactive" it is PRIVATE feature in DOLPHIN simply by making you "inactive" to the community in general. I would test this and see if you can still participate in the community with assigned Membership Actions.? --> Let me know.
Actually there's nothing I know of you can do when you're suspended except edit your profile.
Everything else gives:
You are not currently an active member. Please
ask the site administrator to make you an active member so you can use
this feature.
Hi Lissa,
On the resulting screen, look for "Site is running in free mode". If that's checked, uncheck it.
A another possibility is to install a mod... look at:
I have this mod working, and install is easy if you can read carryfull the readme file. 
Kids first |
RB --> Thanks --> I do believe this feature is in SmartPro.??? I clarify and let you know.? |
OK ..... no one was talking about "smartpro". (until now) |
Many additional mods and features come in the Smart Pro Package which were more than likely released in Expertzzz as personal MODs, became popular and was adopted...It's how the whole PROJECT works around here :) |
Thanks to everyone for your responses! I'll let you know how it works out ... I really really appreciate the feedback! |
Many additional mods and features come in the Smart Pro Package which were more than likely released in Expertzzz as personal MODs, became popular and was adopted...It's how the whole PROJECT works around here :)
So since they are two separate entities they should then be kept separate for support.
Admin Dashboard --> Settings --> Membership Levels --> Membership Types --> Mebership Actions.
NOW... Depending on the exact feature/action and the desired Membership Type you can set many things. Profile Views,Photo Gallery Views,GuestBook Views. If your running in FREE mode then make sure your NON-Member, Standard, and Promo membership Actions are set accordingly. If you would like to create a MASTER MEMBER create a new TYPE --> Set Pricing and Actions. Now go Admin --> Users --> Members Find the member you want and select the ID # link. It will open up the Members Profile. Right at the TOP you can set FEATURED or MEMBERSHIP LEVEL.
FYI --> Membership Type must be ACTIVE before you can assign it. HOWEVER you can inactivate it and MEMBERSHIP ACTIONS will stay intact.
This is how to Make you Master of your DOMAIN while micromanaging everyone else.
If you have problems with the Above steps please ensure you are using the latest DOLPHIN6.1.4 and have followed these instructions --> HERE
AND RB I believe if you set your PROFILE to "inactive" it is PRIVATE feature in DOLPHIN simply by making you "inactive" to the community in general. I would test this and see if you can still participate in the community with assigned Membership Actions.? --> Let me know.
I am running the latest version - Dolphin 6.1.4. I am running in free mode. For Nonmembers, I took away *everything* - all actions - there are no actions left. As I mentioned previously, they didn't even have the view profile action originally, they still don't have it, and they don't have any other actions now either. But yet a visitor to the site can still view the profiles. I have gone through each and every module and tried to make it so that only members can view certain modules. At this point right now, everyone in the world can see the profile photos and I ONLY want site members (people who have signed up) to see the profile photos. I don't see where to disable that. Maybe I'm dealing with this a bit haphazardly.
I'm a bit uncomfortable sharing the site, but hey, we're all professionals here, right? :)
It's http://www.digitalqueer.com with the community at http://www.digitalqueer.com/community/
Maybe you'll be able to see more clearly what I'm talking about. I'm sure I must be doing something wrong! Yikes!
Oh, one more thing ... just to clarify ... "guest" = "nonmember" ?
As in, the nonmember in manage membership types and the "guest" in each of the modules? Are they equivalent?
Yes, Guest is a non-member, a visitor ;-) Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
Yes, Guest is a non-member, a visitor ;-)
I assumed so as well, lol. But, you never know. I just wanted to make sure that the entity identified as "guest" in the modules is the same entity as "non-member" in the member management section. They don't appear to be, if I turn off the "non-member" ability to access certain actions, and yet still have to go back to the modules and also turn off visitor access to the modules as well. (does that make any sense at all?) I mean, right now, I have the profiles mostly limited for visitor/non members, except that when you pull up the profile as a nonmember/visitor, you can still see the profile pictures. I would think that if the nonmember does not have access to view profiles, then why can you still see them when you're viewing the site not logged in? I had to go in and turn off visitor view on each module in the page builder for the profile page and still don't see where to turn off the visitors ability to view profile pictures.
Okay, I know I'm rambling and that probably doesn't make any sense. lol