how do you set up the affilliate ,i have done everything,but should it send an email with your affilliate link and how to login? I have tested it but you dont have a link or nothing, any help here?
how do you set up the affilliate ,i have done everything,but should it send an email with your affilliate link and how to login? I have tested it but you dont have a link or nothing, any help here? | ||||||||||||||||
The best would be to add itz to your FAQ http://yourdomain/aff/index.php. The AFF is not as advanced as it should be with D6 You can go to your admin => Settings => LanguageSettings and Look for Affiliate then you get the language strings. There you add text or links to notify your aff members of what you want to tell them. Diddy is not greedy and has time. Dolphin is cool and its not just mine :-) | ||||||||||||||||
I added a link inside the users account page under member info. I had asked how to add a link to sum menu in accounts as well.....Mrpowrless once again provided a great fix (posted below). This does change the fact that the system is extremely basic but it least provides a clear link for members. FROM MRPOWRLESS 1- admin/menu_compose.php make a new block in my account section?
Blocks are built dynamically so adding code in between one will do all | ||||||||||||||||
I knoe this is a dumb question,but do I go to my admin panel and add one of the html blocks ?not sure what to do there, I got the members.php part | ||||||||||||||||
I actually only used part 2. I havent tried it but I am pretty sure to add the button in a submenu under account go to your admin - then builders- then navigation menu bulder then ad a html block under the account heading... You can use the other active items or buttons as a refence for what you should enter into the fields. Just open up one that is already there such as unregister. | ||||||||||||||||
thanks fleatrax,i got a few ? on the add new strings part,this is what i got so far
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You need to sign up as an affiliate before you can log in, sign up page | ||||||||||||||||
thanks fleatrax,i got a few ? on the add new strings part,this is what i got so far
Ok sorry there is one error in the mod I completly forgot. This mod pulls the wrong id for the reerral url line, it actually pulls the member ID which is different.Affiliate id starts at zero so if member twelve is the first affilaite then that memebrs id will be 12 but his referal id will be 1.
Once my site has more members I will add in the reffered line, but for now its just login. | ||||||||||||||||
Ok sorry there is one error in the mod I completly forgot. This mod pulls the wrong id for the reerral url line, it actually pulls the member ID which is different.Affiliate id starts at zero so if member twelve is the first affilaite then that memebrs id will be 12 but his referal id will be 1.
Also, if the Affiliate Program is ever improved, I suggest allowing up to 3 Levels with different pay scales.... this will definate encourage Affiliates to promote to groups, charities and organizations who ALSO wish to raise money!! Thanks in Advance, Blaine | ||||||||||||||||
Hi, I noticed in MRPOWRLESS's code that he had: <input type=textfield value="<?=$site['url']."?idFriend=".$this->aMemberInfo['ID']?>" size=42 onfocus=""> and when installed, the Affiliate Link appears on the "Account" Page as: instead of: << which appears in the Affiliate Back Office Which is correct? Blaine. Thanks in Advance, Blaine |