howto, duplicate store module and change its name globally in hte site

i've seen this done with the clubs module and the pages module. 

they duplicated the original module and change its name and change the name of a new set of tables in the database that wud be created when the user installs the module.


can anybody tell me where i can edit the files to change these names. please don't say in the language settings cause that is not what i mean.

Quote · 18 Jul 2012

Requires a boat load of work and i am most likley going to miss something.

1) Module folder name has to be changed.
2) Config file needs to be changed in modulename/install/config.php  There title, version, vendor, home_dir, home_uri, db_prefix, class_prefix, language catagory all need to be changed.
3) sql files in install/sql need to be changed
4) lang file in install/langs needs to be changed to change catagory and all language key names.
5) class names in files modulename/install/installer.php, and in modulename/classes all php files in there have to be renamed and class names changed

It's a lot of work. You should take a look at this tutorial and the example files to see how a module is built and constructed which would give you a better idea of everything that needs to be changed to make it unique so it does not colliee with any other module.

Many people just do a search and replace on the word store and change it. But that does not always work.
Quote · 18 Jul 2012

You mean like this?

1. Unzip

2, upload

3, install

4. add the line below to root .htaccess

RewriteRule ^forum/games/(.*)$  modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=games [QSA,L]


Clear cache · 65.6K · 293 downloads
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 18 Jul 2012

I'd tell you how I did that, but then I'd have to kill you.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 18 Jul 2012

Then, you can customize the language file.

replace modules language file with the attached, then recompile modules language

en.php · 11.5K · 265 downloads
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Quote · 18 Jul 2012


Requires a boat load of work and i am most likley going to miss something.

Naw.... piece of cake.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 18 Jul 2012

I have changed several modules name before including store but it has to be done very carefully. You can try case sensitive search and replace but it requires all attention and in few places you need to change it yourself.

Overall. Its not a very easy task but not a very hard one also.

so much to do....
Quote · 18 Jul 2012

I was afraid that two store modules would mess up the Cart function, but it doesn't.  It all works just fine.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 18 Jul 2012


You mean like this?

1. Unzip

2, upload

3, install

4. add the line below to root .htaccess

RewriteRule ^forum/games/(.*)$  modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=games [QSA,L]


Clear cache

 Dude.. OMG. I owe you one man. Really appricate it. Am still going to continue to learn how it's done though for future knowledge. 


THanks man :)

Quote · 18 Jul 2012


 Dude.. OMG. I owe you one man. Really appricate it. Am still going to continue to learn how it's done though for future knowledge. 


THanks man :)


 Actually, the store module is one of the easiest of all to clone.  You'll need three things installed on your computer:

1. Agent Ransask

2. Notepad ++

3. An unzipped copy of Dolphin 7.0.9


First, make a working directory for your cloned module.  Let's say you want to call the store module, 'RingTones'.   Create a folder called RingToneModule, or whatever you choose to call it. Then browse to the D7.0.9 folder/modules/boonex.  Right click on the 'store' folder and select 'copy'.  Then browse to, and open your RingToneModule folder.  Hit CTRL-V to copy all the store module files into the folder.


Once you have Agent Ransack and Notepad++  installed on your computer, from Windows Explorer, right click on the RingToneModule folder, and select 'Agent Ransack'.  This will open Agent Ransack with the RingToneModule folder specified as the search folder.  Enter 'store' as the text to search for.  Agent Ransack will then show a list of files that contain occurrences of the string 'store'.  A basic search is not case sensitive, and will find every occurrence of 'store', 'Store', and 'STORE'.

Select every file name that Agent Ransack found, then right click on the group of selected files.  Choose 'edit with Notepad ++.  This will open all the files in Notepad ++ at the same time.  From Notepad's Search menu, select 'Replace'.   A search window will pop up.

In the Find what field, enter store

in the Replace with field, enter ringtones

Make sure 'Match whole word only' is UNCHECKED

Check MATCH CASE, WRAP AROUND, and select search mode normal

Click on 'Replace All in All Opened Documents'


In the Find what field, enter Store

in the Replace with field, enter Ringtones

Make sure 'Match whole word only' is UNCHECKED

Check MATCH CASE, WRAP AROUND, and select search mode normal

Click on 'Replace All in All Opened Documents'



In the Find what field, enter STORE

in the Replace with field, enter RINGTONES

Make sure 'Match whole word only' is UNCHECKED

Check MATCH CASE, WRAP AROUND, and select search mode normal

Click on 'Replace All in All Opened Documents'


Done with searching & replacing.  Close the search window, and from Notepad's File menu, select Save All, then select Close all.  You're done with Notepad and Agent Ransack.

Next you have to go to your RingToneModule folder, and rename files.  Take a look at how I renamed the store files to games, and do the same thing for ringtones.  There's about a dozen or so php files, and some images.  After you've done all this, the new module is complete.

You'll have to add this to the .htaccess file in your sites root:


RewriteRule ^forum/ringtones/(.*)$  modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=ringtones[QSA,L]


Upload the RingToneModule folder to modules/boonex.  rename it to ringtones.

The last thing you'll need to do is clone the modules/boonex/forum/integrations/store  folder.  You can do this with Agent Ransack in the same manner as we just cloned the store module.  Just replace all occurrences of the string 'store' with 'ringtones' and PAY ATTENTION to case.  Rename the modules/boonex/forum/integrations/store folder to modules/boonex/forum/integrations/ringtones, then upload it to the server.


If you done everything correctly, the new module should install properly.  One thing you might want to do, is rename occurrences of the word 'products' to 'ringtones'   NOT in the language key strings.... just the text that replaces the language key.  You may want to do this before you install the module.  Notepad's search & replace is pretty useful for this.... just be careful not to replace any of the text in the keys themselve!

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 18 Jul 2012

UPDATE:  It might be easier to do a search & replace on the en.php file I attached in the post above.  That way, you'd have to search for games, and replace with ring tones..... then search for Games and replace with Ring Tones.  That way you won't have to worry about replacing 'product' text that you shouldn't have.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 18 Jul 2012



Requires a boat load of work and i am most likley going to miss something.

Naw.... piece of cake.

 OK, now you can build us all a "dark" template for 7.1! pwease...

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 18 Jul 2012


  OK, now you can build us all a "dark" template for 7.1! pwease...

 I would, but I'm not done bitching about some of the things that are, or are not happening in 7.1  .... like moving that stupid box shadow stuff from /base/css to /tmpl_uni/css.  There's a lot of css that has no business being in /base

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 18 Jul 2012



  OK, now you can build us all a "dark" template for 7.1! pwease...

 I would, but I'm not done bitching about some of the things that are, or are not happening in 7.1  .... like moving that stupid box shadow stuff from /base/css to /tmpl_uni/css.  There's a lot of css that has no business being in /base

 I knew you were going to say something like that. I don't have a clue about CSS, I know how to screw it up..

I'm sure they are taking your considerations in from reading the notes section.

I tried messing with some of it on a demo but screwed the site up so I'm going to wait.

Thanks for this posting, sheds a ton of light on how to really be creative with the store!

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 18 Jul 2012


After reviewing my how-to instructions, I noticed a slight error, but nothing serious  After pasting the /modules/boonex/store folder into your RingToneModule folder, rename the pasted 'store' folder to 'ringtones'.  Then right click on the new ringtone folder and select 'Agent Ransack'.  The rest of the instructions remain the same.  Then when all the edits are completed, just upload the 'ringtones' folder to /modules/boonex

To better organize things, you can create this directory structure in your RingToneModule folder:

/modules/boonex/ringtones/    <--- Put cloned module here

modules/boonex/forum/integrations/   <put renamed copy of cloned modules/boonex/forum/integrations/store here.

Create a readme file with the new line for .htaccess

Then you can put it all in one zip file for easy sharing.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 18 Jul 2012

Woop xD thank you very much. I'll do for the ringtons on friday xD and share it ......FREE template for all OFF you xD Badd place to put it but I have exams 2maro so i need to study. · 180.4K · 350 downloads
Quote · 19 Jul 2012

So i tried to do it and replace all games, Games, and GAMES to apps, Apps, and APPS. and followed everything else. 


so i tried installed the app but it didn't install and i got this error:

Class 'BxAppsInstaller' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\testdolphin\inc\classes\BxDolInstallerUi.php on line 380

Quote · 20 Jul 2012

Nevermind, i fixed it

Quote · 20 Jul 2012

I am trying to duplicate module also but I get following error message.

Fatal error: Call to a member function getBaseUri() on a non-object in /home/sunrise/public_html/modules/srm/weeklymessage/request.php on line 38

I don't know what to do with this error message. Please teach me how to solve this problem.

Please help.

Quote · 6 Jun 2016
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.