html block

I screwed up the html block.  Just call it plain stupid.  It now says this block has no properties.  Can anyone tell me how to fix it please?

Any assistance would be much appreciated.  Much thanks in advance.

html block problem

Quote · 3 Jun 2008

You can directly goto the database and add a new field and then you can edit it.

Quote · 5 Jun 2008

What was the field name for html+block.  I am preety much a lamer at this.  I can acess my database easily enough but which table would I need to look in?

Much thanks

You can directly goto the database and add a new field and then you can edit it.

Quote · 7 Jun 2008

Find it in the table PageCompose It should have func as html

Quote · 7 Jun 2008

thank you, I think that got it going again.


Quote · 10 Jun 2008

Whether you problems solved?

Quote · 11 Jun 2008

Hey Charmer or anyone else did u get the HTML block to work ?  Mine is not working I type in the text save it ...and it does not save anything when i open it again the text i typed in is gone  any  suggestions??

Quote · 12 Jun 2008

I think this is a bug in HTML block, but you can change it manually :

After you move HTML to the destination page, open your database using phpAdmin. Find PageCompose>Browse (top left)>select page (in my database) _HTML Block page is located almost at the end of page 3.

On that page find "Content" and you can put your html code in the  "Value" box, save by click the Go button. You can modify the Title block by changing the content of "Caption" value, the default name is _HTML Block

Back to your admin Panel, click the _HTML Block button and you will see what you have just put by hand in the database, save it. You are done.

Quote · 12 Jun 2008

uuuh no dont do that you will get 50 thousand errors emailed to you

read this post

Quote · 21 Jun 2008

This is worked for me..... Take the block from the "Sample" area and put it into the "Innactive" Area and then it will work. Then move it to the place where you want it.

Quote · 15 Aug 2008

FYI - this technique did NOT work for me.  Same crap- it is trying to put in zero for the ID field.  I've tried to change in phpmyadmin also and have eliminated browser cache as an issue.  Does this work for other people here?  All I was trying to do was add a custom HTML block on the homepage.


Quote · 28 Aug 2008

Works fine in v6.1.4  ..... 

Quote · 28 Aug 2008

html block can be used, but you need to this with Firefox browser, other browsers will not save the block.

I have checkt this also with IE 8 Beta 2, also the same, block is not saved.

Kids first
Quote · 28 Aug 2008

works fine every time with Firefox browser. I installed Firefox just to do this!

Quote · 28 Aug 2008

Well it doesn't with me - and I am using firefox with 6.1.4 and have tried all the techniques mentioned here.  I am so freaking sick of these bugs.  Things that should take minutes can take weeks or even months on Dolphin.

Quote · 28 Aug 2008


That's why we pay "the big bucks"!  LOL

~~ Lorren

Well it doesn't with me - and I am using firefox with 6.1.4 and have tried all the techniques mentioned here.  I am so freaking sick of these bugs.  Things that should take minutes can take weeks or even months on Dolphin.

Quote · 28 Aug 2008

I have more than one html block on my sites working and only Firefox sorry saved like it have to do. And use version 6.1.2 and 6.1.4   If I try into opera or IE or safari its not working at all.....

Thats my story in this...

Kids first
Quote · 28 Aug 2008

Ok, I was about to catch a flight to Australia and burn myself alive in front of Boonex headquarters in protest, but fortunately I think I figured it out.  For the benefit of others who may have this same problem, be sure you check that ID field on the PageCompose is not zero and also make sure it is set to "auto-increment".   Those fields drop out on my system for some reason even if I don't do anything.  Also, I've come to the conclusion that you almost have to have two installs of Dolphin so you can compare when something goes wrong.  Just like some people think it is easier to own two dogs, rather than one, it is better to have two Dolphion sites.


Quote · 28 Aug 2008

I've been testing this theory with some interesting results ....

FireFox 3.0
no problems at all either in admin or viewing homepage in browsers ....

Internet EXploder 7.0.6
will save blocks (3) and they still show in admin (and in FF admin) after leaving and coming back  .....
The blocks saved by Internet EXploder 7.0.6 do NOT show up in ANY browser when viewing the site homepage  ..... 

Opera 9.26
have to CLEAR the cache EVERY time I change pages  .....  what's up with that???
After I FINALLY create an HTML block it stays in the builder and shows fine in ALL browsers  ..... 

Conclusion: FireFox definitely wins as far as this issue is concernerd  ..... 

Quote · 28 Aug 2008



Better RumpyBumpy

Quote · 2 Sep 2008

Charmer was obviously not aware that the block has no properties until you drag it to the active area.

You members that are encouraging people to go to the database are just inviting unknowing novices to corrupt their database for no reason.  You should simply say to drag the block to the active area to be able to give it properties.

To properly edit the blocks it seems at this point in time that FireFox 3 is the best choice for the job.

Remember, try different browsers  .....  No browser is consistent across the entire installation  ..... 

Quote · 2 Sep 2008

The new Google Chrome browser can save HTML blocks!!!

Kids first
Quote · 2 Sep 2008

Can you not embed flash in an HTML block?

Nevermind... found the answer... I was using IE7... changed to Firefox used admin and the block then was able to be saved.  Could not save it using IE.

Quote · 13 Sep 2008

Had the same issues before been diving to codes so deep need  a long ladder to climb back,found out this..had I simply used Firefox, my issues were resolved light years ago.  took me another 3 hours getting back my codes together.

Quote · 15 Sep 2008

Just used FireFox and it works fine for me, also. Thanks for the heads up. I was going nuts, thinking I was doing something wrong. Duh, I ought to know better, this is not the first problem I have had designing in one or other of the browsers. Firefox seems to be a champ when it comes to designing in it.

Quote · 9 Mar 2009


Ok, I was about to catch a flight to Australia and burn myself alive in front of Boonex headquarters in protest,...

Can you make a video of that and post it on youtube?  BTW.. you might want to fly to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan instead of Australia.

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 9 Mar 2009

Opera 9.26
have to CLEAR the cache EVERY time I change pages  .....  what's up with that???
After I FINALLY create an HTML block it stays in the builder and shows fine in ALL browsers  .....

This could be related to a few probs that I have been having - all seem to center on a caching problem.

see my post above about captcha images not refreshing. same thing with priveleges values not being stored.

This always seems to do with .htaccess not defining a mod_expire time, sometimes because of other installations in a higher directory. I have had to explicitly set the cache expiry time for captcha and it works.


While I was looking at the problem i came across the simg.php script that seems to want to write deprecated headers to the generated files (it even defines the .png image as an img/gif type - And we all know what unpredictable results spring from sending deprecated code under an xhtml doctype to a variety of different browsers. I wonder if it is forcing some to default to quirksmode and ignore some caching directives.

this could explain why some browsers are working when others aren't.

Quote · 10 Mar 2009
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