Dear support,
Would you please help me with my site..long time still can't fix thisproblem?
Dear support,
Would you please help me with my site..long time still can't fix thisproblem?
thanks, Virak |
Of course, let us bow down and help you out. You have taken such a great amount of your time to give us all the details of your issue, and of course boonex pays us such a great wage to be here to figure out the solutions to your problems. Of course, they promised us a pay raise if we could figure out what your question is without telling us.
Since I want my raise I'm willing to bet this is your quesiton:
Database query error
SELECT `ID` FROM `LocalizationLanguages` WHERE `Name` = 'en-ca' Mysql error:
Table 'orkun2u_dating.LocalizationLanguages' doesn't exist So the question arises what did you do with the language? Seems that the language en-ca does not exist, which is what your site is attempting to call up. I personally have no clue as to how you ended up trying to call up the language en-ca, course I'm not even sure what language that is. My mind guesses that it might be the canadian version of English, but that doesn't make sense as language files are named like this:
But never named as en-ca, I have no clue what language that is your trying to call or why your trying to call it up, but your site is. You need to look at how you came up with en-ca for a Localization Language and correct that.
***Note: You are not paying me or anyone else here for help with your site, it is rude to come in here and just post a url and tell us to figure out what your problem is and then resolve it. We do not work for Boonex, we are site owners just like you. The proper way to come in and request help is to type a subject line for the thread that makes sense to us and relates to the problem. Your site URL is NOT an acceptable subject line. 2. Explain what your problem is, do not expect us to go to a URL to find the error ourselves, rather you need to post what is happening and we will take a look at it. If someone has experienced it in the past or has the knowledge to resolve it then they will help you out. You may finish your opening post with a thank you, but it's not necessary. After your question has been answered and you've been able to show it's fully resolved then it's customary to stop in and thank whoever helped you out and explain how it was resolved.
I trust in the future you'll use this knowledge so that others who encounter a similiar problem can run a search and utilize it to help them out.