hundreds of cron daemon error emails

I have had a problem with either my server or Dolphin installation sending me tons and tons of emails saysing "could not open input file: /home/......../public_html/perodic/notifies.php


I have also had problems with my site taking up HUGE amounts of CPU usage and am unsure if this has something to do with it. Any ideas? Any setting I have wrong or loop I can disengage?

Quote · 12 Jan 2009

Recheck paths for cron, are paths correctly?

Quote · 13 Jan 2009

Did you already try to disallow Cupid mails ??? Because this essential feature doesn't work any more since version 6.1, send millions of cupid mails and even can saturate the server memory and make it stop to work...

Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine.
Quote · 13 Jan 2009

is it possible to fix this probmle maby a boonex help is necessarry

Quote · 9 May 2009

I received the same errors. Check the permissions on the files. When I changed my permissions from 644 to 666 I stopped getting the errors. These need to be writeable.

Quote · 9 May 2009

I was getting these errors as well and it was what Andrey said. I had my path wrong, the absalute root is not, if you are unsure as I was ask your host for this information.

Quote · 10 May 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.