keep getting an email on database error

Here is what I keep getting. The message is too long. Below is couple of lines.

Database error in


SELECT `bx_files_main`.`ID` as `id`, `bx_files_main`.`Title` as `title`, `bx_files_main`.`Uri` as `uri`, `bx_files_main`.`Desc` as `desc`, `bx_files_main`.`Date` as `date`, `bx_files_main`.`Size` as `size`, `bx_files_main`.`Ext`, `bx_files_main`.`Views` as `view`, `bx_files_main`.`Rate`, `bx_files_main`.`RateCount`, `bx_files_main`.`Type`, `bx_files_main`.`ID`, `sys_albums_objects`.`id_album`, `bx_files_main`.`Owner` as `ownerId`,  `sys_albums`.`AllowAlbumView`, `Profiles`.`NickName` as `ownerName`  FROM `bx_files_main`  left JOIN `sys_albums_objects` ON `sys_albums_objects`.`id_object`=`bx_files_main`.`ID` left JOIN `sys_albums` ON `sys_albums`.`ID`=`sys_albums_objects`.`id_album` left JOIN `Profiles` ON `Profiles`.`ID`=`bx_files_main`.`Owner` WHERE 1 AND `bx_files_main`.`Status` ='approved' AND `sys_albums`.`AllowAlbumView` IN('3') AND `sys_albums`.`Status` ='active' AND `sys_albums`.`Type` ='bx_files'  ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 0, 2

Mysql error: Got error 28 from storage engine

Found error in the file '/home/madhvi/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolSearch.php' at line 455.
Called 'db_res_assoc_arr' function with erroneous argument #0.

Quote · 9 Jan 2010

One or more partitions on your server is out of space or doesn't have enough space to complete this operation. You need to shutdown your forums and contact your host immediately. You or your host will need to find out which partition is low on disk space and either add more space or free up some.

99.99% is because of the /tmp directory is full, so if anyone ever faces this, this is the cause! I just found out that's what our problem was today.


When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support
Quote · 9 Jan 2010

Thanks, I will ask Arvixe, I am hosting with them.

Quote · 9 Jan 2010
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.