I have an issue in iOS 10.2.1 in Settings > Privacy > Locationservices > Dolphin the selected pref is not set, it's empty.
As a result Search Near Me and Location Search both give no result. The spinner keeps spinning.
I suppose this is a bug?
Best regards,
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Is this going to be solved soon? Because this bug makes the app useless for the kind of community I am setting up. I'll have to postpone the launch of the website and app until this is fixed and this will cost me.
Any time frame? Like within 2 weeks?
We'll try to make an update within a month or so. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Hi Alex,
Great but what do you mean with "or so"? Is that within 1 month or more like 3 months?
The service I'm setting up heavyly relies on this app working as it should.
"Within a month or so" means "one month +/- 2 weeks" Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Any update on this bug? I don't see anything on GitHub, I also have a community focused on user location and this is what is going to hold me back |
Hi Alex,
When are we going to see an update that fixes this issue because it's 2 and a half months later and still no update. 
Sorry, we are very busy now and have to postpone this. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
Hi Alex,
This is taking too long. The whole idea of my communty is based being able to locate each other. So I'm waiting desparately for you guys to fix this. Have to postpone the launch of the website and app and this costs me money. So please put it first on your list. 