I receive this per mail for activation in the activation mails:
MIME-Version: 1.0
From: =?UTF-8?B?b29rLWluLWZyYW5rcmlqaw==?= <info@mysite.info>
Dear xxx,
What can be the problem?
I receive this per mail for activation in the activation mails:
MIME-Version: 1.0
What can be the problem?
have you sent this to your hosting provider, this does appear to me to be a configuration issue on the host. send in a support ticket and ask them what could be the problemo. the other thing that could be going on is mbstring(), but i would think you would have received some other error specific to mbstring() When a GIG is not enough --> Terabyte Dolphin Technical Support - Server Management and Support |
Does any of the other mails do it or only the activation?
$to = 'Your@email'; $mess = 'This is a test'; mail($to,'test message',$mess); ?> |
thx guys, Also the "forgot password" email does the same. The mails are delivered without subject. Mail has been tested on the server without any problems. mailtest.php done without any problems. Maybe it has something to do with special caracters, encoding (utf8)? |
maybe there's there's a problem with a dot i used in the site title? |
Have you changed the default text? I had similar issue but it works now on my side using plain text or without quotes/apostraphy within the email. |
I had this exact same issue, and applied the fix after digging endlessly through expertzzz and google search. Note: This only is a bug on certain server setups, does not apply to everyone. In the dolphin PHP files for any sendmail functions Replace: /r/n to: /n This is a bug with sendmail on certain servers, not sure how to correct it on the server. Credit goes to this expertz for documenting it. http://www.expertzzz.com/Downloadz/view/3184 |
no, i did not yet change the tekst...maybe the dot in my site title? |
Thanks Kinder; that solved the problem :-) |