make Dolphin page with no header block or nav?

Hi - I would like to display my browseMusic.php page without the top section - the banner and the nav menu etc.

Preferable with only the main body block and nothing else. No footer either.

I thought to make a copy of browseMusic.php and try removing code that calls for the top sections...

I am not a coder at all.

I tried removing - require_once('inc/'); but that breaks the page.

What I am trying to do is to use an iframe in an html page to just display the body block of the browseMusic page. (or perhaps other pages)

Is there a way to do this?

If so - can it work so that clicking to go to page two of the music files loads page 2 within the iframe properly.


Dan V

Quote · 17 Mar 2009

Anyone? Come on I know you know the answer to this... or is it too hard?

Thanks in advance

Dan V

Quote · 19 Mar 2009

I have been dieing for a reason to do this, just for shits and giggles.  Here it is and this can be used in multiple ways guys, not just to eliminate a header.


Open browseMusic.php


You will note a line it is calling:



$_page['name_index'] = 82;


Change it to:


$_page['name_index'] = b82;  (**Don't save yet if your site is a production site, just change and let it sit while you do the rest of this.)


Next, open your file editor to a new file:


Input the following code into the file:


__include _header2.html__


__include _footer.html__


Save the page as page_b82.html  (please note, you must save this as a .html file, this is why you use tools like Notepad++ as it will help you do these things.) to a location you can easily find it. 


Next, open a new file in your text editor and input this into it:


 __includebase _header.html__

 <!-- body -->
  <div class="bodyBlock">


Save this file as:


_header2.html  (please note again must be .html)


Now upload the 2 files you just created to your server templates/templ_uni/ directory  (you'll see lots of page_#.html files there already)


Next, save your musicBrowse.php file


Load your page.  You now have with no header information at all and still displaying properly. 


***Only test on Dolphin 6.1.4 

Quote · 19 Mar 2009

Thanks again - cant wait to try it out but gotta catch some zzz first.


Quote · 20 Mar 2009

Thanks that worked. Only problem is that the main site background pic is showing through the normally white background of the browseMusic.php page.

You can see what I mean here

Any ideas?

I also discovered that if I remove the line __include _footer.html__

then despite having a properly paid for and registered Dolphin I get a message telling me I dont have the right to remove the footer. I presume this means that a small amount of time is being taken while the page checks if my licence exists and for some reason fails to find it?

I will contact Boonex about this one...

Thanks again


Quote · 25 Mar 2009


Could this be used to make a register page with no header?   I want to call the register page from another application and posted about it a while back but no one answered.  Would this same procedure work with join.php?



Quote · 26 Mar 2009



If I follow your question correctly, this would work to create a join page with no header, however it would still create the profile on the sites database, not the database of the site it was navigated from.  Let me clarify because that sounds confusing as all get out:


If calls the member to come to a join page at and you use this to dump the header/nav menu off the page then when the member hits the submit button at the bottom of the page it would still create the profile on the site and not on 


If that is what your trying to do, then yes, this would create a join page with no header/navigation menu at the top.



Quote · 27 Mar 2009

I didn't word that post very well but thanks, this did answer my question.  In my case, I was simply going to call the join.php file without the header from the same domain in a frame system where there there is already a menu system, however this approach could be useful in other situations as well.

Quote · 27 Mar 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.