mangled css in groups

I have been having trouble getting style-sheets to work with group forums. specifically where the group forum is shown on a groups 'homepage' - i.e. where orca is forced to collaborate with dolphin by showing a bit of info on a dolphin page.

I have found that the table with class "group topics" that is used to display the forum on the groups homepages has a mangled class attribute for one of its rows.

<table class="group_topics"> ...           <tr class="&#10;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;group_topic_row_">

I have searched for the template page or script that generates this class attribute and have had no luck.

anyone got any ideas where to fix it?

I am aware that there are other typos in the groups code - see:

does anyone know of any others that I should see to while I'm at it?

thanks for your help ~ in advance

Quote · 26 Mar 2009

I have found that the table with class "group topics" that is used to display the forum on the groups homepages has a mangled class attribute for one of its rows.

<table class="group_topics"> ...           <tr class="&#10;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;group_topic_row_">

This class name is un parseable by many browsers and fails xhtml validation - which will cause most browsers to go into quirks mode.
Strangely enough firebug seems to ignore it, showing a well formed class name - but if you look at the html source for any groups page with a forum you will see this around line 396

<table class="group_topics"><tr class="group_topics_header"><th class="group_topics_col_topics">Latest topics</th><th class="group_topics_col_posts">Posts</th><th class="group_topics_col_author">Author</th><th class="group_topics_col_reply">Latest reply</th></tr><tr class="&#10;&#9;&#9;&#9;&#9;group_topic_row_">

I have found where this css error, (which appears on almost every dolphin site that I have looked at) is generated.
it is made in the xsl file /templates/base/xsl/group_last_topics.xsl
look around line 28 and find:

<xsl:element name="tr">
<xsl:attribute name="class">
group_topic_row_<xsl:value-of select="@topic_class" />

there is no need to convert any xml for a static row class name - especially when it is only used for the latest post at the foot of groups pages - forum spy uses a different xsl file.

so all that code can become replaced with:

<tr class="group_topic_row_">

Dont forget to change the closing tag too...

a few lines down this:




and now groups pages validate.

Quote · 12 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.