music upload question

Hi I have a  question about uploaded music content . I have noticed that it is possible to download the music files members on my website upload to their players and music gallery. Is there a way to protect the files from being downloaded or maybe a different music player that would enable members to stream the music without giving them the capability to download  it ? By the way the program that let's me download the music is real player.

And also is there a way to change that annoying alert sound on instant messenger?


Thanks for any help you can give



Quote · 22 Jun 2009

Go to your admin section,

Plugins --> Ray Suite --> Music Player --> Settings

and disable the  "enable  File Savings" Option.

Then U R good!

Same for the Messenger.  Disable the field  "Using Sounds"

Have Fun!!!

Quote · 24 Jun 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.