inc/js/classes/BxDolMenu.js (may be compressed, if it is it needs replaced with a fresh one)
inc/classes/BxDolMenu.php (same issue)
Check your file perms.
Worst case, if you can't fix it then do this to add an item to the menu:
Login to your Admin Panel, Locate the Menu Category you would like it to appear in, open that Main Menu Category and Count the number of sub-menu items that are in it. This is an important step, notate somewhere what this number is and subtract 1 from it. So if there are 5 then it's 5 - 1 = 4 (x - 1 = y y = The number you need to write down as your Order #)
If you have the category you want it to appear in already there and it's just a sub-menu item, then it's simple:
Login to phpMyAdmin
Locate: AdminMenuCateg in the DB Tables and open it up. (Just click on it in the left menu list of tables)
Now, click Browse in the Top Menu
Take a look at the table, you need to note what Menu item you would like this to appear under. Builders, Plug-Ins, Settings, Content and so on. Note the number that is in the "ID" Column for the Main Menu Category you want this item to appear in.
Next, Look in the Left Column of Tables and locate AdminMenu (it's right about AdminMenuCateg) and click on it. Next click browse in the top menu that appears, please browse the column and note the highest ID # that appears and add + 1 (a + 1 = b b = ID). Finally, Click "Insert" in the Top Menu that appears.
Now, you get to have fun and insert the item into the DB
ID = b (Remember the number you had to do math to obtain, input that number here)
Title = Whatever you want to call the item. Keep it short so it fits in the menu neatly.
URL = This is the page you want to call up when you click the menu tab
Description = Enter a brief description of what this item does. (You can leave this blank if you like)
Order = Enter the x - 1 = y number that you came up with and notated. This will make the item appear as the last item in sub-menu of the main menu item you place it in.
Categ = This is the # that you obtained from AdminMenuCateg ID Column and will place it in the correct spot on your Admin Menu.
Icon = This is the file name of the item you want to display in the menu next to it. For example member.gif **note you don't need to go admin/images/icon/member.gif as just member.gif is the proper way to do this, SQL will take care of the rest of this for you.
You can also do the following SQL Query:
INSERT INTO `database_name`.`AdminMenu` (`ID`, `Title`, `Url`, `Desc`, `Check`, `Order`, `Categ`, `Icon`) VALUES ('9999', 'Sample', 'sample.php', 'A sample item via SQL into the Admin Menu', '', '5', '1', 'sample.gif');
***Please note: You will still need to learn the AdminMenuCateg (9999 in mine) The Order (5 in mine) and the Category (1) in mine and fill these in. You will also need to place your DB name where mine says (database_name) in this query. If you need to add multiple items, do it under the first instructions then click "Go" and it will give you the SQL Query to insert into your own DB future items that you want to add.
Good luck with it.