ocra / ray

Hi guys, not sure if I am meant to post this here or not but am hoping it might help someone if they come accross the same problems as I have this last 2/3 weeks.

I am running on a dedicated linux server with centOS 5...since I installed dolphin 6.1.6 I had problems getting the RMS working but that was my blondness and eventually it worked fine...My next problem was that the ocra forum just would not stop displaying a totally blank page both in the admin area and from the website link.

Its been bothering me for more than a week now and nothing I did would work...so I looked a bit deeper and checked my error logs...and got a message in there a little like this "PHP Fatal error:  Cannot clone object of class DOMDocument due to 'zend.ze1_compatibility_mode"

I went into the php.ini and set the "zend.ze1_compatibility_mode to off and bingo my forum now works...but in restarting the httpd.conf, it seemed that my RMS wouldn't connect, when I checked the iptables the ports tha I had set were no longer there and the AV chat just kept conecting, I readded the ports to the iptables and now everything works a treat.

Again sorry if I am not meant to post this here - I just thought it may help someone if they come accross the same problems!


Quote · 15 Jul 2009

Thanks for the info Angel and I'm glad to see your  blonde moments are passing.  Great work.

Quote · 16 Jul 2009

lol cheers MD...am hoping the blonde moments don't come back lol...for now anyway!

Quote · 17 Jul 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.