How we can do to add
online offline icon or text on profile page
thank you
How we can do to add online offline icon or text on profile page thank you Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : |
There is already an online/offline icon (bulb) on the top right corner of the members thumbnails... You can replace it with whatever you like. Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
yes i know I would like icon in the profile page ( online offline ) Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : |
as zodiac zodiac icon on profile page Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : |
Sorry ;-) I did read your question too quickly... Good question ;-) Good idea :-) I will look for a solution... Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
:) there solution for this dolphin 6.0.004 but I do not know for dolphin 6.1.4 1) Open templates/base/BxBaseProfileView.php and find this function: function showBlockProfileDetails( $sCaption ) 2) A few more lines down find this: $bOnlineStatus = get_user_online_status($p_arr['ID']); $sOnlineStatus = ($bOnlineStatus == true) ? _t('Online') : _t('Offline'); 3) Change this for the following: $bOnlineStatus = get_user_online_status($p_arr['ID']); $sOnlineStatus = ($bOnlineStatus == tru Note: Replace with your website address and add a subdirectory if your script is installed under one. 4) Upload the two images included in this file or two of your own to the following directory: templates/base/images/ Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : |
Help !!! Please ;-)
I tried to insert the following code in templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php, inside the function showBlockPhoto:
$bOnlineStatus = get_user_online_status($p_arr['ID']); $sOnlineStatus = ($bOnlineStatus == true) ? _t('<img src = "templates/base/images/icons/online_big.png">') : _t('<img src="templates/base/images/icons/offline_big.png">');
The icon is displaying just bellow the header's title of the profile photo block but it's ever the offline icon which is displaying even if the member is connected :-((
Could somebody please tell me what is wrong ?
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
try to use this one Open BxBaseProfileView.php (showBlockPhoto function), find the line: Regards Artur |
yes perfect artur thank you very much daniel Bosun / Moderator -- My Products : |
Thank you Artur ;-)
Working perfect :-) I even can place the online / offline icon just bellow the header's title of the profile photo block :-)
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |
welcome :) |
MichelSwiss, can you send me some onfo on this one please! Stuart There are none so blind as those that will not see. |
@ Stuart038
No problem to share ;-) But be careful because I'm using Dolphin 6.1.1 heavily moded... and I didn't sleep this night. So I really don't like to look the original files just now... :-) I don't use Couple options... If you are using Couple option, my code could maybe be wrong...
I made first 2 .png files (online_big and offline_big) and uploaded them in templates/base/images/icons folder.
I edited the file templates/base/scripts/BxBaseProfileView.php - function showBlockPhoto( $iCol, $bNoDB = false ) like that (modified Artur's code in green):
$sStatusImg = get_user_online_status($iPID) ? 'online_big.png' : 'offline_big.png';
if( $this -> _aProfile['Couple'] && $iCol != 1 ) {
Life is a fatal disease, sexually transmissible - Virginity is carcinogenic! Ask here for vaccine. |