orca groups?

Ok, I compile Orca, but the forum (orca) for the groups doesn't seem to look right.

I see "Orca :: Interactive Forum Script" at the top and want to remove the text.  I still see "[L[Author]]" basically the "[L[" on some of the title. How do I remove them?

Quote · 24 Sep 2008

The funny characters will go away when you recomplile the languages by clicking the little "en" on the Orca control panel.  I would also like to know how to get rid of that large "Orca, Interactive Forum Scripts" title.



Quote · 24 Sep 2008

That "[L[" still show up, only in my group forum (orca). My main forum doesn't have the wierd character.

Quote · 24 Sep 2008

You need the same for the groups, login as admin and go to www.yoursite.xxx/groups/orca There you will see [en]

Kids first
Quote · 24 Sep 2008

Thanks haai!

Only problem is now, how do I remove "

Quote · 24 Sep 2008


Quote · 25 Sep 2008

I'm not sure... but you could try the following:


find the file header.inc.php in orca/inc


find the second line: $gConf['def_title'] = "Orca :: Interactive Forum Script" and change the "Orca :: Interactive Forum Script"

Quote · 25 Sep 2008

Thanks. Now that work

Quote · 25 Sep 2008

I'm not sure... but you could try the following:


find the file header.inc.php in orca/inc


find the second line: $gConf['def_title'] = "Orca :: Interactive Forum Script" and change the "Orca :: Interactive Forum Script"

This works perfectly, however I would like to go one step further, I applied this change to the groups/orca also, and it changed the line to the custom text I set, however unlike the forums where it changed the title in the browser tab and top left hand corner of browser where it names the page followed by either - Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer etc.. it remains the same as page title:: Orca Forum

So any ideas here guys and gals?


Quote · 25 Sep 2008

Also change in orca / xml / langs / en.php


Not sure, but you may need to recompile for it to take effect.

From the land DownUnder
Quote · 26 Sep 2008

Also change in orca / xml / langs / en.php

Not sure, but you may need to recompile for it to take effect.

Hi, I don't see what you would change in there, this is what that file looks like

* file to get language string, overrride it if you use external language file

function getLangString ($s, $sLang = '')
global $gConf;

if (!$sLang)
$sLang = $gConf['lang'];

require_once ($gConf['dir']['langs'] . $sLang .  '.php');
return isset($GLOBALS['L'][$s]) ? $GLOBALS['L'][$s] : '_' . $s;


Have not changed anything there (this is the original)

Also, tried recompiling in admin panel to see if that made a difference and simply got an error : Language files compilation has been failed.  Please check folder permissions.  Any further ideas?  I have not had an error about permissions before, but then again after my install was done and set to go and working after compiling languages gthe first time after registration I have never tried compiling langs in forum again since then.

Quote · 26 Sep 2008



This is what mine looks like.



 * ENGLISH language file: please UTF-8 encoding only, so use UTF-8 compliant editor only

$GLOBALS['L'] = array (
 'Forums Index' => 'Forums Index',
 'Forums' => 'Forums',
 'Forum' => 'Forum',
 'Topics' => 'Topics', 
 'Topic' => 'Topic',
 'Orca Forum' => ':: Changed Here Forum',
 'Logged in as' => 'Logged in as',
 'Manage Forum' => 'Manage Forum',
 'Reported Posts' => 'Reported Posts',
 'Logout' => 'Logout',
 'My Flags' => 'My Flags',
 'My Topics' => 'My Topics',
 'Login' => 'Login',
 'Search' => 'Search',
    'Copyright' => 'Copyright 2008 ',
    'New Group' => 'New Group',
 'New Topic' => 'New Topic',
 'Post Reply' => 'Post Reply',
 'Flag/Unflag' => 'Flag/Unflag',
 'Lock/Unlock' => 'Lock/Unlock',
 'Author' => 'Author',
 'Message' => 'Message',
 'posts:' => 'posts:',
 'Delete' => 'Delete',
 'Edit' => 'Edit',
 'Quote' => 'Quote',
 'post is hidden' => 'post is hidden',
 'hide post' => 'hide post',
 'show post' => 'show post',
 'Points:' => 'Points:',
 'Vote' => 'Vote',
 'Access denied' => 'Access denied. You must have special permissions to access this area or you are not logged in.',
 'New topic created' => 'New topic has been successfully created',
 'return to forum index' => 'return to forum index',
 'Edit group' => 'Edit group',
 'New group' => 'New group',
 'Cancel' => 'Cancel',
 'Submit' => 'Submit',
 'Submit' => 'Submit',
 'New forum' => 'New forum',
 'Forum title:' => 'Forum title:',
 'Forum description:' => 'Forum description:',
 'Forum type:' => 'Forum type:',
 'public' => 'public',
 'private' => 'private',
 'Latest Reply' => 'Latest Reply',
 'Latest Post' => 'Latest Post', 
 'Posts' => 'Posts',
 'Pages:' => 'Pages:',
 'Join' => 'Join',
 'Forums Spy' => 'Latest Forum Posts <span>(a real-time view of activity)</span>',
 'said in' => 'said in',
 'Topic subject:' => 'Topic subject:',
 'Topic subject Error' => 'Please enter from 5 to 50 symbols',
 'Sticky' => 'Sticky',
 'Topic text:' => 'Topic text:',
 'Topic text Error' => 'Please enter from 5 to 640000 symbols',
 'Post Reply:' => 'Post Reply:',
 'Special Member' => 'Special Member',
 'Standard Member' => 'Standard Member',
 'Member Info' => 'Member Info',
 'Joined:' => 'Joined:',
 'Last Online:' => 'Last Online:',
 'Posts:' => 'Posts:',
 'Last Post:' => 'Last Post:',
 'never' => 'never',
 'Find all posts by' => 'Find all posts by',
 'New Search' => 'New Search',
 'Search Results For:' => 'Search Results For:',
 'There are no search results.' => 'There are no search results.',
 'Please try search again.' => 'Please <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="return f.showSearch()" >try again</a>.',
 'Date' => 'Date',
 'Search The Forum' => 'Search The Forum',
 'Search for:' => 'Search for:',
 'Where to Search:' => 'Where to Search:',
 'Topic Titles' => 'Topic Titles',
 'Messages' => 'Messages',
 'Forum:' => 'Forum:',
 'Whole Forum' => 'Whole Forum',
 'Author:' => 'Author:',
    'Display:' => 'Display:', 

    'Site is unavailable' => 'Sorry, site is unavailable now, please try again later.',
    'Join Login Username Error' => 'Username must be from 4 to 12 characters',
    'Join Email Error' => 'Email must be valid',
    'Username must be uniq' => 'Username must be uniq',
    'Login Password Error' => 'Password must be valid',
    'Email must be uniq' => 'Email must be uniq',
    'Database error' => 'Database error',
    'Send mail failed' => 'Send mail failed',
    'password or login is incorrect' => 'password or login is incorrect',
    'Cookies must be enabled to process login' => 'Cookies must be enabled to process login',

    'Username' => 'Username',
    'Password' => 'Password',
    'Email' => 'Email',
    'Wrong search type' => 'Wrong search type',
    'Topics you participate in' => 'Topics you participate in',
    'Flagged topics' => 'Flagged topics',
    'Topics you have flagged' => 'Topics you have flagged',
    '%s\'s forum posts' => '%s\'s forum posts',
    'Forum Posts' => 'Forum Posts',
    'Minute Ago' => 'Minute Ago',
    'Minutes Ago' => 'Minutes Ago',
    'Hour Ago' => 'Hour Ago',
    'Hours Ago' => 'Hours Ago',
    'Day Ago' => 'Day Ago',
    'Days Ago' => 'Days Ago',
    'Mail Subj Registration' => 'Orca Forum Registration Details', 
    'Mail Body Registration' => "
<p>Dear {username},</p>

Your username: {username} <br />
Your password: {pwd} <br />
Site URL: {site_url} <br />

Thank you for joining.
Best Regards.
    'xml serialization failed' => 'xml serialization failed',
    'please upgrade your browser' => 'please upgrade your browser',
    'XML read failed:' => 'XML read failed:',
    'There was a problem retrieving the XML data:' => 'There was a problem retrieving the XML data:',
    'httpxml object creation failed' => 'httpxml object creation failed',


    'Thank you! You Joined! Your login and password have been sent to your email.' => 'Thank you! You Joined! Your login and password have been sent to your email.',
    'Join failed' => 'Join failed',
    'Login failed' => 'Login failed',
    'orca_main div is not defined' => 'orca_main div is not defined',
    'please name orca_main content container' => 'please name orca_main content container',
    'category id is not defined' => 'category id is not defined',
    'please set category ids' => 'please set category ids',
    'Please login to view topics you participate in' => 'Please login to view topics you participate in',
    'Please login to view flagged topics' => 'Please login to view flagged topics',
    'Are you sure ?' => 'Are you sure ?',
    'Post was successfully deleted' => 'Post was successfully deleted',
    'Topic and post were successfully deleted' => 'Topic and post were successfully deleted',
    'Post was successfully edited' => 'Post was successfully edited',
    'Message body empty' => 'Message body empty',
    'Valid chars:' => 'Valid chars:',
    'Topic has been successfully added to your flagged topics' => 'Topic has been successfully added to your flagged topics',
    'Topic has been successfully removed from your flagged topics' => 'Topic has been successfully removed from your flagged topics',
    'Please login to flag topics' => 'Please login to flag topics',
    'Post has been reported' => 'Post has been reported',
    'Report error' => 'Report error',
    'add this to title' => ' :: Changed Here Forum ',
    'Are you sure to delete category with all forums, topics and post?' => 'Are you sure to delete category with all forums, topics and post?',
    'Category has been successfully deleted' => 'Category has been successfully deleted',
    'Can not delete category' => 'Can not delete category',
    'Are you sure to delete forum with topics and posts' => 'Are you sure to delete forum with topics and posts',
    'Forum has been successfully deleted' => 'Forum has been successfully deleted',
    'Can not delete forum' => 'Can not delete forum',
    'Group has been successfully modified' => 'Group has been successfully modified',
    'New group has been successfully added' => 'New group has been successfully added',
    'Can not modify group' => 'Can not modify group',
    'Can not add new group' => 'Can not add new group',
    'Forum has been successfully modified' => 'Forum has been successfully modified',
    'New forum has been successfully added' => 'New forum has been successfully added',
    'Can not modify forum' => 'Can not modify forum',
    'Can not add new forum' => 'Can not add new forum',
    'Topic has been successfully locked' => 'Topic has been successfully locked',
    'Topic has been successfully unlocked' => 'Topic has been successfully unlocked',
    'Only admin can lock/unlock topics' => 'Only admin can lock/unlock topics',
    'new group' => 'new group',
    'edit' => 'edit',
    'delete' => 'delete',
    'new forum' => 'new forum',
    'move up' => 'move up',
    'move down' => 'move down',
    'permalink' => 'permalink',
    'report this post' => 'report this post',
    'Compile Langs' => 'Compile Languages',
    'Language files compilation have been failed' => 'Language files compilation have been failed. Please check folders permissions.',
    'Language files have been successfully compiled' => 'Language files have been successfully compiled',


From the land DownUnder
Quote · 26 Sep 2008

mmm, That's very interesting, I will need to look further into this, Thanks

Quote · 26 Sep 2008

You are looking in groups/ orca / xml / lang.php you need to look in public_html/orca/xml/langs/en.php

From the land DownUnder
Quote · 26 Sep 2008

You are looking in groups/ orca / xml / lang.php you need to look in public_html/orca/xml/langs/en.php

thanks, yes i was indeed...  Have tried recompiling languages again but still says about permissions error which i don't understand...  I have never heard of having to change the permissions when recompiling the langs...

Quote · 26 Sep 2008


This is what i get when i try and recompile language

Quote · 26 Sep 2008

I was referring to orca compile (en), I am not sure as it was a while back when I made the changes, and can not remember if I had to recompile for it to take effect.

From the land DownUnder
Quote · 26 Sep 2008

My settings


orca >> 755

orca/xml >> 755

orca/xml/lang >> 755

orca/xml/lang/en.php >> 644

From the land DownUnder
Quote · 26 Sep 2008

Thanks again, I will look at the permission settings and see how I go, but this might be a job for tomorrow now, It is almost 4am here in London and i think my eyes are about to fall out...lol  don't want to mess with the script when thats happening, who knows what I might do.

thanks, will let you know how I get on.

Quote · 26 Sep 2008

My settings

orca >> 755

orca/xml >> 755

orca/xml/lang >> 755

orca/xml/lang/en.php >> 644

My settings are the same with the exception of

orca/xml/lang >> 755     mine is 777

Should I change this?

Oh and yes I thought I would give it a look over before bed...lol

Quote · 26 Sep 2008

it remains the same as page title:: Orca Forum

Changing the name of the orca folder V6.1.4 .....  Easily found with a simple forum search .....  HOW TO SEARCH AND NOTE FOR NEW MEMBERS IN THE FORUMS ..... 

Quote · 26 Sep 2008



My settings


orca >> 755

orca/xml >> 755

orca/xml/lang >> 755

orca/xml/lang/en.php >> 644

My settings are the same with the exception of


orca/xml/lang >> 755     mine is 777


Should I change this?


Oh and yes I thought I would give it a look over before bed...lol


Will not hurt to try to see if it works or not, it can always be changed back.


Maybe someone else may know the correct setting, seems one of us has it wrong.

From the land DownUnder
Quote · 26 Sep 2008

killerhaai.  The url /groups/orca is not available at the control panel from the PLUGINS or other location.  If I want to add the link to the ORCA GROUP at the spot where the link exists to go to ORCA FORUMS, where should I put it?



Quote · 9 Oct 2008


Look here: /groups/orca/layout/uni_en/xsl/canvas.xsl  

I think this is what you search for the group...

Kids first
Quote · 9 Oct 2008

Thanks Killerhaai.  As it turns out, I have now discovered that there is a little icon of a wrench just below the Logout item on the Admin Control Panel.  I had not seen this before.  By clicking this little icon, the administrator can make changes to the Administration Control Panel.  This is where you can add something easily.  I have now added a link to the /groups/orca.  I designated it to appear in the Plugins section.  Presto! It is done.

Not sure why I had missed this little wrench icon, or failed to try it before.  It is like all of the many nooks and crannies that exist in Dolphin.


Quote · 11 Oct 2008

:) thats correct Arthur..

Kids first
Quote · 11 Oct 2008

Killerhaai...Dolphin is a pretty amazing cluster of integrated programs.  The more I become familiar with it, the more impressed I am.

I just wish that there were some sort of a manual that we could access.   I have been working with classifieds, groups, and forums over the past few days...to set up categories for business and professional use.  The technology is very rich. but the instructions are very light.  One needs to "discover" everything. I think it would be helpful to have a Step 1...Step 2...Step 3...etc. for each of the functions.  This would certainly reduce all of the general "how to" questions and frustrations.  It will not reduce the fine tuning that some of us want to add, but that's Okay.

This forum is helpful, and I appreciate everyone's contribution.


Quote · 11 Oct 2008

I agree with you, but you can say also If you have to look yourself, how faster you know the system Wink
I have now setup our foundation site also to dolphin, were I can use only very basic things... only what I write some earlier, some baic things are not there, like the commenting into news and articles... Lets hope this will come into next versions.

Kids first
Quote · 11 Oct 2008

I agree with you, but you can say also If you have to look yourself, how faster you know the system Wink
I have now setup our foundation site also to dolphin, were I can use only very basic things... only what I write some earlier, some baic things are not there, like the commenting into news and articles... Lets hope this will come into next versions.

What are the URLs for your dolphin sites?


Quote · 11 Oct 2008

they all use the normal uni template, with some visuals,



These are the most imported sites... :)

Kids first
Quote · 11 Oct 2008

Killerhaai, I had a look at the gopoint site, but could not get to the FYC.

Could not see much of gopoint because I am not a member.


Quote · 15 Oct 2008

hmmm strange you don't could the fyc site, I' am on it every day :)
But yes they have to be a member  to get everything.

Kids first
Quote · 16 Oct 2008

Tried fyc again this morning.  Works fine.

Quote · 20 Oct 2008

To be more Clear...............................


Look for Changed TITLE Forum(Give your title here......) in groups/orca/layout/uni_en/xsl/canvas.xsl



<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">

<xsl:include href="canvas_includes.xsl" />
<xsl:include href="../../base_en/xsl/canvas_init.xsl" />

<xsl:template match="root">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-US" lang="en-US">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
  <xsl:when test="string-length(/root/page/posts/topic/title) &gt; 0">
   <xsl:value-of select="/root/page/posts/topic/title" /> :: Changed TITLE Forum
  <xsl:when test="string-length(/root/page/topics/forum/title) &gt; 0">
   <xsl:value-of select="/root/page/topics/forum/title" /> :: Changed TITLE Forum
   <xsl:value-of select="title" />

<xsl:element name="base">
 <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="base"/></xsl:attribute>

<xsl:call-template name="canvas_includes" />

<xsl:element name="body">
 <xsl:attribute name="onload">if(!document.body) { document.body = document.getElementById('body'); }; h = new BxHistory(); document.h = h; return h.init('h'); </xsl:attribute>
    <xsl:attribute name="id">body</xsl:attribute>

    <xsl:call-template name="canvas_init" />

 <xsl:value-of select="/root/header" disable-output-escaping="yes" />

    <div id="orca_main">

      <xsl:if test="not(string-length(page/onload))">
      <xsl:apply-templates select="page" />





Quote · 7 Dec 2008

This helped a lot. I recompiled the language and now the [L is gone. As far as the "Orca Interactive..." I just uploaded my own banner and it went away. Hope this helps.

Quote · 24 Apr 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.