page not redirecting after loggin on

I am facing a little problem regarding the page redirection. As soon as I enter my name and password, it check the name and password then the page is not redirecting from that page to the profile page or whatever the landing page is. But if I click on some other links then the links liike My account, my profile etc appears. Does anyone know what's wrong?

My website:



I hope to find the answer very soon

Quote · 3 Mar 2009

corrupt member.php try a new one from another download...then apply the mods to it again if any

I have video tutorials to help you
Quote · 3 Mar 2009

can you show us your member.php files?

Quote · 3 Mar 2009

Try replacing  templates/tmpl_uni/scripts/functions.php and also templates/tmpl_uni/login_form.html with the original copy .

Quote · 3 Mar 2009

If it gives you a blank page then it means there is a problem with member.php

Or as Esteem said there can be a problem with login_form.html ... please open it and change __relocate_url__ to member.php

Try it. Hopefully it should work ! :D

Quote · 3 Mar 2009

just give/show  us your member.php and we will check it



Quote · 4 Mar 2009

well this is how my member.php looks like. I hope this might solve my problem...

require_once( 'inc/' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_INC . '' );

require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolClassifieds.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolEvents.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolGroups.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolPageView.php' );
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_CLASSES . 'BxDolSharedMedia.php' );

//--------------------------------------- member account class ------------------------------------------//

class BxDolMember extends BxDolPageView {

// member ID
var $iMember;

// member info
var $aMemberInfo;

// config site array
var $aConfSite;

// config dir array
var $aConfDir;

var $bAjaxMode;

* @param int $iMember - member ID       

function BxDolMember($iMember, &$aSite, &$aDir) {
$this->iMember     = (int)$iMember;
$this->aMemberInfo = getProfileInfo($this->iMember);

$this->aConfSite = $aSite;
$this->aConfDir  = $aDir;


function genShowHideItem( $wrapperID, $default = '' )
if( !$default )
$default = _t( '_Hide' );

return '
<div class="caption_item">
<a href="javascript:void(0);"
onclick="el = document.getElementById(\'' . $wrapperID . '\'); if( == \'none\' ) { = \'block\'; this.innerHTML = \'' . _t( '_Hide' ) . '\';} else { = \'none\'; this.innerHTML = \'' . _t( '_Show' ) . '\';}"
>' . $default . '</a>

function getBlockCode_Classifieds() {
if ($this->iMember > 0) {
$sqlQuery = "
FROM `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`
`ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`IDProfile`  = '{$this->iMember}' AND `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`Status` = 'active'
GROUP BY `ClassifiedsAdvertisements`.`ID`
$iBlogs = db_value( $sqlQuery );

if( $iBlogs > 0 ) {
$oClassifieds = new BxDolClassifieds();
$sBlocks = $oClassifieds->GenAnyBlockContent('last', $this->iMember);
$ret = <<<EOF
<div id="container_classifieds">

$show_hide = $this->genShowHideItem( 'container_classifieds' );
$sShowHide = $show_hide;
return $ret;
} else
return '';
} else {
return MsgBox( _t('_im_textNoCurrUser') );

function getBlockCode_Events() {
if ($this->iMember > 0) {
$sqlQuery = "
SELECT COUNT(`SDatingEvents`.`ID`) AS 'Cnt'
FROM `SDatingEvents`
LEFT JOIN `SDatingParticipants` ON `SDatingParticipants`.`IDEvent` = `SDatingEvents`.`ID`
WHERE (`SDatingEvents`.`ResponsibleID` = '{$this->iMember}' OR `SDatingParticipants`.`IDMember` = '{$this->iMember}')
AND `SDatingEvents`.`Status` = 'Active'
$iBlogs = db_value( $sqlQuery );

if( $iBlogs > 0 ) {
$oEvents = new BxDolEvents();
$sBlocks = $oEvents->GenAnyBlockContent('last', $this->iMember);
$ret = <<<EOF
<div id="container_events">

$show_hide = $this->genShowHideItem( 'container_events' );
$sShowHide = $show_hide;
return $ret;
} else
return '';
} else {
return MsgBox( _t('_im_textNoCurrUser') );

function getBlockCode_Groups() {
if ($this->iMember > 0) {
$sqlQuery = "
SELECT COUNT(`Groups`.`ID`) AS 'Cnt'
FROM `GroupsMembers`, `Groups`
INNER JOIN `GroupsCateg` ON `GroupsCateg`.`ID` = `Groups`.`categID`
`GroupsMembers`.`memberID` = '{$this->iMember}' AND `GroupsMembers`.`groupID`  = `Groups`.`ID` AND `GroupsMembers`.`status`   = 'Active'
$iBlogs = db_value( $sqlQuery );

if( $iBlogs > 0 ) {
$oGroups = new BxDolGroups();
$sBlocks = $oGroups->GenAnyBlockContent('latest', $this->iMember);
$ret = <<<EOF
<div id="container_groups">

$show_hide = $this->genShowHideItem( 'container_groups' );
$sShowHide = $show_hide;
return $ret;
} else
return '';
} else {
return MsgBox( _t('_im_textNoCurrUser') );

/*function getBlockCode_MyPhoto($iCol, $bNoDB = false) {*/
function getBlockCode_Topest($iCol) {
if(  $iCol == 1 )
$iPID = $this->iMember;
else {
if( !$this->aMemberInfo['Couple'] )
return '';

$iPID = $this->aMemberInfo['ID'];
$sRet = $this->get_member_primary_photo( $iPID, 'none', $iCol);
return '<div class="page_block_container">' . DesignBoxContent ( _t( '_My Photos' ), $sRet, 1) . '</div>';
//return $sRet;

function getBlockCode_Contacts () {
$sSiteUrl = $GLOBALS['site']['url'];

$free_mode = getParam("free_mode") == "on" ? 1 : 0;

$iChMemberID = 0;
$iChMemberID = ($this->aMemberInfo['ID'] > 0) ? $this->aMemberInfo['ID'] : $this->iMember;
if ($iChMemberID == 0) {
return MsgBox(_t('_Sorry, nothing found'));

/*if ($_REQUEST['debug']=='1') {

// new messages attention
$new_mess_arr = db_arr( "SELECT ID FROM `Messages` WHERE Recipient = {$iChMemberID} AND New = '1' ORDER BY Date DESC LIMIT 1" );
if ( $new_mess_arr )
$mess = $new_mess_arr[ID];

// new kisses attention
$new_kiss_arr = db_arr( "SELECT ID FROM `VKisses` WHERE Member = {$iChMemberID} AND New = '1' LIMIT 1" );
if ( $new_kiss_arr )
$vkiss = 1;

// new friends attention
$new_friend_arr = db_arr( "SELECT `ID` FROM `FriendList` WHERE `Profile` = {$iChMemberID} AND  `Check` = '0' LIMIT 1" );
if ( $new_friend_arr )
$frd = 1;

// request for private photo
$new_ppr_arr = db_arr( "SELECT IDTo FROM `PrivPhotosRequests` WHERE `IDTo` = {$iChMemberID} AND `Grant` = '0' LIMIT 1" );
if ( $new_ppr_arr )
$ppr = 1;


<table class=control_panel_table width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1>

<tr class=table>
<td class=control_panel_td_1_first valign=top align="left"><? echo _t( "_Messages" ); ?>:</td>
<td class=control_panel_td_2_first valign=top align="left"><?
if ( $mess )
echo _t( "_ATT_MESSAGE", $mess, $sSiteUrl );
echo _t( "_ATT_MESSAGE_NONE", $sSiteUrl );?>

<tr class=table>
<td class=control_panel_td_1 valign=top align="left"><? echo _t( "_Kisses" ); ?>:</td>
<td class=control_panel_td_2 valign=top align="left"><?
if ( $vkiss )
echo _t( "_ATT_VKISS", $sSiteUrl );
echo _t( "_ATT_VKISS_NONE", $sSiteUrl );?>

<tr class=table>
<td class=control_panel_td_1 valign=top align="left"><? echo _t( "_Friends" ); ?>:</td>
<td class=control_panel_td_2 valign=top align="left"><?
if ( $frd )
echo _t( "_ATT_FRIEND", $sSiteUrl );
echo _t( "_ATT_FRIEND_NONE", $sSiteUrl );?>


$ret = ob_get_contents();

return $ret;

function getBlockCode_MemberInfo () {
global $oTemplConfig;

$free_mode = getParam("free_mode")  == "on" ? 1 : 0;
$en_aff    = getParam("enable_aff") == 'on' ? 1 : 0;


<table class="control_panel_table" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1">

<tr class=table>

<!-- Profile Status -->

<td valign="top" align="left" class="control_panel_td_1_first"><? echo _t( "_Profile status" ); ?>: </td>
<td valign="top" align="left" class="control_panel_td_2_first">
<b><font class="prof_stat_<? echo $this->aMemberInfo['Status']; ?>">&nbsp;<? echo _t( "__{$this->aMemberInfo['Status']}" ); ?>&nbsp;</font></b>

switch ( $this->aMemberInfo['Status'] )
case 'Unconfirmed':    echo _t( "_ATT_UNCONFIRMED", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break;
case 'Approval': echo _t( "_ATT_APPROVAL", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break;
case 'Active': echo _t( "_ATT_ACTIVE", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break;
case 'Rejected': echo _t( "_ATT_REJECTED", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break;
case 'Suspended': echo _t( "_ATT_SUSPENDED", $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowWidth, $oTemplConfig -> popUpWindowHeight ); break;


<!-- Membership -->

<?php if ( !$free_mode ) { ?>

<tr class=table>
<td valign=top align="left" class=control_panel_td_1><? echo _t( "_Membership2" ); ?>:</td>
<td valign=top align="left" class=control_panel_td_2>
echo GetMembershipStatus($this->aMemberInfo['ID']);

<?php } ?>

<!-- Last login -->

<tr class=table>
<td valign=top align="left" class=control_panel_td_1><? echo _t( "_Last login" ); ?>: </td>
<td valign=top align="left" class=control_panel_td_2>
if ( !$this->aMemberInfo['DateLastLogin'] || $this->aMemberInfo['DateLastLogin'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00" )
$this->aMemberInfo['DateLastLogin'] = 'never';
echo $this->aMemberInfo['DateLastLogin'];

<!--  Affiliate Program starts here -->

if ( 0 == $free_mode && 1 == $en_aff )
echo "<tr class=table>
<td valign=top align=\"left\" class=control_panel_td_1>" . _t( "_Affiliate Program" ) . ": </td>
<td valign=top align=\"left\" class=control_panel_td_2>";

$ar = db_arr ( "SELECT aff_num FROM Profiles WHERE ID='{$this->aMemberInfo['ID']}' LIMIT 1" );

$res = db_res ( "SELECT * FROM members_as_aff WHERE num_of_mem <= '$ar[0]'" );

$txt = _t( "_Got_members_part_1" ).$ar[0]._t ( "_Got_members_part_2" );

if ( mysql_num_rows( $res ) > 0 )
$txt  = _t ( "_Congratulation" ).$txt;
$txt .= _t('_Click here to change your membership status');
$txt .= _t ( "_Need_more_members" );

echo $txt;

echo "</td>

//<!--  Affiliate Program ends here -->

echo "</table>";

$ret = ob_get_contents();

return $ret;

function getBlockCode_News () {
global $oTemplConfig;

return printNewsPanel($oTemplConfig->iMaxNewsOnMemberPanel);

function getBlockCode_SharePhotos () {
$aMem = array('ID'=>$this->iMember);
$oNew = new BxDolSharedMedia('photo', $this->aConfSite, $this->aConfDir, $aMem);
$aRes = $oNew->getBlockCode_SharedMedia($oNew->iViewer);

return $aRes;

function getBlockCode_ShareVideos () {
$aMem = array('ID'=>$this->iMember);
$oNew = new BxDolSharedMedia('video', $this->aConfSite, $this->aConfDir, $aMem);
$aRes = $oNew->getBlockCode_SharedMedia($oNew->iViewer);

return $aRes;

function getBlockCode_ShareMusic () {
$aMem = array('ID'=>$this->iMember, 'Password'=>$this->aMemberInfo['Password']);
$oNew = new BxDolSharedMedia('music', $this->aConfSite, $this->aConfDir, $aMem);
$aRes = $oNew->getBlockCode_SharedMedia($oNew->iViewer);

return $aRes;

function getBlockCode_Friends () {
global $site;

$sFriendList = ShowFriendList( $this -> iMember);
$iFriendNums = getFriendNumber( $this -> iMember );

if( $sFriendList )

<div class="clear_both"></div>
<?= $sFriendList ?>
<div class="clear_both"></div>

$ret = ob_get_clean();

$sFriendInfo = '<div class="caption_item"><a href="'.$site['url'].'viewFriends.php?iUser='.$this -> _iProfileID.'">'.$iFriendNums.' '._t("_Friends").'</a></div>';

$aDbTopMenu = array(
_t("_Friends") => array(
'href' => "{$site['url']}viewFriends.php?iUser={$this -> iMember}"

return array( $ret, $aDbTopMenu );

function showMyPhotos($iCol) {
if(  $iCol == 1 ){
$iPID = $this->aMemberInfo['ID'];
} else {
if( !$this->aMemberInfo['Couple'] )
return '';

$iPID = $this->aMemberInfo['ID'];

return $this->get_member_primary_photo( $iPID, 'none', $iCol);

function get_member_primary_photo ($iPID, $float, $iCol = 0) {
require_once( BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'profilePhotos.php' );

$oPhoto = new ProfilePhotos( $iPID );
$oPhoto -> getActiveMediaArray();
$iDesc = 0;
if ($this->aMemberInfo['Couple']>0 && $iCol == 2) {
$aCoupleInfo = getProfileInfo($this->aMemberInfo['Couple']);
$iDesc = $aCoupleInfo['PrimPhoto'];
$aFile = $oPhoto -> getPrimaryPhotoArray($iDesc);

if( extFileExists( $oPhoto -> sMediaDir . 'photo_' . $aFile['med_file'] ) )
$sFileName = $oPhoto -> sMediaUrl . 'photo_' . $aFile['med_file'];
$sFileName = getTemplateIcon( $oPhoto -> sSexPic );

$style =
'width:' . $oPhoto -> aMediaConfig['size']['photoWidth'] . 'px;' .
'height:' . $oPhoto -> aMediaConfig['size']['photoHeight'] . 'px;' .
'background-image:url(' . $sFileName . ');';

$ret = '';
$ret .= '<div class="thumbnail_block" style="float:' . $float . '; ">';
$ret .= "<a href=\"{$this->aConfSite['url']}upload_media.php\">";
$ret .= '<img src="' . getTemplateIcon( 'spacer.gif' ) . '" style="' . $style . '" alt="' . process_line_output( $aFileName['med_title'] ) . '" />';
$ret .= '</a>';
$ret .= '</div>';

return $ret;


// --------------- page variables and login

$_page['name_index'] = 81;
$_page['css_name'] = 'member_panel.css';

$_page['extra_js'] = '<script type="text/javascript">urlIconLoading = "'.getTemplateIcon('loading.gif').'";</script>';

$_page['header'] = _t( "_My Account" );

// --------------- GET/POST actions

$member['ID']        = $_POST['ID'];
$member['Password']   = md5( process_pass_data( $_POST['Password'] ) );

$bAjxMode = ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' ) ? true : false;

if ( !( $_POST['ID'] && $_POST['Password'] ) && ( $_COOKIE['memberID'] && $_COOKIE['memberPassword'] ) )
if ( !( $logged['member'] = member_auth( 0, false ) ) )
login_form( _t( "_LOGIN_OBSOLETE" ), 0, $bAjxMode );
if ( !$_POST['ID'] && !$_POST['Password'] )
// this is dynamic page -  send headers to do not cache this page

$bAjxMode = ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] ) and $_SERVER['HTTP_X_REQUESTED_WITH'] == 'XMLHttpRequest' ) ? true : false;
login_form('', 0, $bAjxMode);

} else {
$member['ID'] = getID( $member['ID'] );
if (isLoggedBanned($member['ID'])) {
$_page['name_index'] = 55;
$_page['css_name'] = '';
$_ni = $_page['name_index'];
$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox(_t('_member_banned'));

// Check if ID and Password are correct (addslashes already inside)
if ( check_login( $member['ID'], $member['Password'] ) )
$iCookieTime = 0;

if (isset($_POST['rememberMe']) && $_POST['rememberMe'])
$iCookieTime = time() + 24*60*60*30;

setcookie( "memberID", $_COOKIE['memberID'], time() - 24*60*60, '/' );
setcookie( "memberPassword", $_COOKIE['memberPassword'], time() - 24*60*60, '/' );
setcookie( "memberID", $member['ID'], $iCookieTime, '/' );
setcookie( "memberPassword", $member['Password'], $iCookieTime, '/' );
//setcookie( 'userArray', 'aUser' . $member['ID'] );
$update_res = db_res( "UPDATE `Profiles` SET `DateLastLogin` = NOW() WHERE `ID` = {$member['ID']}" );
createUserDataFile( $member['ID'] );

$p_arr = getProfileInfo( $member['ID'] );

if( !$sUrlRelocate = $_REQUEST['relocate'] or basename( $_REQUEST['relocate'] ) == 'index.php' or basename( $_REQUEST['relocate'] ) == 'join.php' )
$sUrlRelocate = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

$_page['name_index'] = 150;
$_page['css_name'] = '';

$_ni = $_page['name_index'];
$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox( _t( '_Please Wait' ) );
$_page_cont[$_ni]['url_relocate'] = htmlspecialchars( $sUrlRelocate );

$member['ID'] = (int)$_COOKIE['memberID'];
$member['Password'] = $_COOKIE['memberPassword'];

$_ni = $_page['name_index'];

// --------------- [END] page components

// this is dynamic page -  send headers to do not cache this page

// --------------- page components functions


$oNew = new BxDolMember($member['ID'], $site, $dir);

$sPhotoBlock = '<div style="width:49%;">'.DesignBoxContent ( _t( '_My Photos' ), $oNew->showMyPhotos(1), 1).'</div>';
if (strlen($oNew->showMyPhotos(2)) > 0)
$sPhotoBlock .= '<div style="width:49%; border:=1px solid red;">'.DesignBoxContent ( _t( '_My Photos' ), $oNew->showMyPhotos(2), 1).'</div>';*/

$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = $oNew->getCode();

Quote · 4 Mar 2009

your member.php is fine, so the problem is on your skin templates. you'd better contact the maker of your skin, i'm sure he will fix this for you for free.



Quote · 4 Mar 2009

I just replaced templates/tmpl_uni/scripts/functions.php and also templates/tmpl_uni/login_form.html with the original copy, it didn't worked then I opened login_form.html and replaced __relocate_url__ to member.php but still it ain't working. Is there any more suggestions??

Quote · 4 Mar 2009


just him who knows what he wrote




Quote · 4 Mar 2009

If your referring to css by "skins" then I had made the changes and I don't know where should i be changing to make this right..

Quote · 4 Mar 2009

If your referring to css by "skins" then I had made the changes and I don't know where should i be changing to make this right..

if i said "templates", it is just not css but all of templates packages like css, scripts, and all directory inside your templates.



for example as the default template of dolphin is








. and so on

Quote · 4 Mar 2009

ummn well, Nothing really did worked out for me so I'd just simply did these and it worked but I'm not sure what might get wrong after doing this, however this is probably the solution I got for my problem. What I did was replaced the following codes:

$_page['name_index'] = 150;
$_page['css_name'] = '';
$_ni = $_page['name_index'];
$_page_cont[$_ni]['page_main_code'] = MsgBox( _t( '_Please Wait' ) );
$_page_cont[$_ni]['url_relocate'] = htmlspecialchars( $sUrlRelocate );

with this code:

header("Location: member.php");

However If anyone have any more idea about the problem and it's solution I'd like to try them so please keep posting in this topic

Quote · 8 Mar 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.