photo Upload Button does not work...

It seems I can't upload new photos in any link including the button until I hit the "Manage" button for the albums, then go into the specific album, then hit the link to "add more here"

When hitting the [+Upload] button, absolutely nothing happens.  No error.  Just... nothing.  The [My Albums] button seems to work fine though...

Any help?


Quote · 8 Aug 2015

I would suspect a javascript conflict.  You can try using the browser error console to see if an error is being reported when you are on that page.  Sometimes third party modules or code added to the header can conflict with the javascript of Dolphin.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 8 Aug 2015

The only thing I've changed is the logo.  Haven't added any modules other than what Dolphin comes with.  Using UNI template.

I'm also getting "ACCESS DENIED" errors.  I believe I've set all permissions correctly, I've gone through it a few times, I do not know what I'm missing.

There was one time I installed the modules BEFORE I set all the permissions...

Quote · 9 Aug 2015

Go to the HELP section above, detail installation instructions outline all the permissions and if you have shell access you can use chmode to set the permissions, just copy and paste what Boonex lists into your command line.

Geeks, making the world a better place
Quote · 9 Aug 2015

Is changing permissions via shell in anyway better than doing it with my ftp client?  I was curious while I was channging permissions whether I should be doing it recursively for all subdirectories and files also.


Quote · 9 Aug 2015


Is changing permissions via shell in anyway better than doing it with my ftp client?  I was curious while I was channging permissions whether I should be doing it recursively for all subdirectories and files also.


 That way is the wrong way or the long way.

Using SSH or shell, follow this

This clip is about using the shell client.


  1. If PHP is running as an Apache module on Unix systems - log into your shell account using your favorite shell client and change directories to that containing your Dolphin script files. Now run the following commands under your SSH prompt:
chmod 777 ./inc ./backup ./cache ./cache_public ./langs ./media/app ./media/images ./media/images/banners ./media/images/blog ./media/images/classifieds ./media/images/membership ./media/images/profile ./media/images/profile_bg ./media/images/promo ./media/images/promo/original ./tmp ./plugins/htmlpurifier/standalone/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer ./plugins/htmlpurifier/standalone/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer/HTML ./plugins/htmlpurifier/standalone/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer/CSS ./plugins/htmlpurifier/standalone/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer/Test ./plugins/htmlpurifier/standalone/HTMLPurifier/DefinitionCache/Serializer/URI ./media/moxie/files ./media/moxie/storage

chmod 777 ./flash/modules/board/files ./flash/modules/chat/files ./flash/modules/photo/files ./flash/modules/im/files ./flash/modules/mp3/files ./flash/modules/video/files ./flash/modules/video_comments/files

chmod 666 inc/ sitemap.xml

chmod 666 ./flash/modules/global/data/integration.dat ./flash/modules/board/xml/config.xml ./flash/modules/board/xml/langs.xml ./flash/modules/board/xml/main.xml ./flash/modules/board/xml/skins.xml ./flash/modules/chat/xml/config.xml ./flash/modules/chat/xml/langs.xml ./flash/modules/chat/xml/main.xml ./flash/modules/chat/xml/skins.xml ./flash/modules/desktop/xml/config.xml ./flash/modules/desktop/xml/langs.xml ./flash/modules/desktop/xml/main.xml ./flash/modules/desktop/xml/skins.xml ./flash/modules/global/xml/config.xml ./flash/modules/global/xml/main.xml ./flash/modules/im/xml/config.xml ./flash/modules/im/xml/langs.xml ./flash/modules/im/xml/main.xml ./flash/modules/im/xml/skins.xml ./flash/modules/mp3/xml/config.xml ./flash/modules/mp3/xml/langs.xml ./flash/modules/mp3/xml/main.xml ./flash/modules/mp3/xml/skins.xml ./flash/modules/photo/xml/config.xml ./flash/modules/photo/xml/langs.xml ./flash/modules/photo/xml/main.xml ./flash/modules/photo/xml/skins.xml ./flash/modules/video/xml/config.xml ./flash/modules/video/xml/langs.xml ./flash/modules/video/xml/main.xml ./flash/modules/video/xml/skins.xml ./flash/modules/video_comments/xml/config.xml ./flash/modules/video_comments/xml/langs.xml ./flash/modules/video_comments/xml/main.xml ./flash/modules/video_comments/xml/skins.xml
chmod 777 flash/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe

Enter the entire string as I have highlighted the first for example.

Looking at your site install, you might be trying to set each any every folder or files individually.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 9 Aug 2015


The only thing I've changed is the logo.  Haven't added any modules other than what Dolphin comes with.  Using UNI template.

I'm also getting "ACCESS DENIED" errors.  I believe I've set all permissions correctly, I've gone through it a few times, I do not know what I'm missing.

There was one time I installed the modules BEFORE I set all the permissions...


I removed the screen shot you had attached to this post because it showed your sites url, and when I looked at it, it directed me to the installation script.  I'd suggest you leave your site url and other identifying information out of screen shots you post to this public forum. 

My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees.
Quote · 9 Aug 2015

Thank you all, I'll give this another go.

And thanks, Houston.  I wasn't much concerned with anybody breaking anything I haven't already broken myself.

Quote · 9 Aug 2015

Ok, so following detailed instructions, I'm asked to do like so:

SITE CHMOD 777 ./backup
SITE CHMOD 777 ./cache
SITE CHMOD 777 ./groups/gallery
SITE CHMOD 777 ./groups/orca/cachejs
SITE CHMOD 777 ./groups/orca/classes
SITE CHMOD 666 ./ray/modules/board/xml/config.xml

Only problem is, the directories in the last four lines do not exist.  I've checked the original downloaded copy of Dolphin, and they're not in there either.  Are these instructions for an older Dolphin version?

Quote · 9 Aug 2015


Ok, so following detailed instructions, I'm asked to do like so:

 Are you using SSH?

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 9 Aug 2015

I am not, I'm a bit of a novice, so I'm just using my FTP client (FileZilla).  I tried, but can't seem to connect, and my host isn't providing much information.

Quote · 9 Aug 2015
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.