phpbb intergration

OK So I feel a little guilty with this post since there is so much info about this but its in a tonne  of different places, but after much searching I decided to be lazy and purchase a mod.

Any suggestions on which mod to use?

Im sure there will be others reading  this post in the future so please post the mod author or link the features, costs and your satisfaction with the whole process to help others in the future decide which mod to use.

I would like a full integration but at the very least the following,

one account

one log in

one set of avatars

rss feeds

forum spy


Quote · 30 Dec 2008

I'll be nice.  Try phpBB3.  There is a forum in Google that offers different templates to you for free and also discusses the differences between them.  They also have a free integration mod for it. 

Quote · 30 Dec 2008

Well that was helpful LOL..Im not asking for reaseach Im asking for people who have already paid for a mod to help with my chioce. Keep the insults to your self or find somewhere else to play

Quote · 30 Dec 2008

see my first post.


Quote · 30 Dec 2008

Do you honestly think you will have an account here long insulting people..If don't like the post go away or if such a pro  give intelligent  constructive criticism.

Rule number 1 for the forums

The basic ground rules for discussions on Unity forums are simple: be polite, use common sense, don't break the law and don't post any message that even hints at advertising.

Quote · 30 Dec 2008

still see the first post.  i'm in a nice mood right now.

Quote · 30 Dec 2008

I am tying to figure it if  you are drunk, 10 years old or just tryingto waist peoples time? If you have nothing helpful to say why bother everyone?

Quote · 30 Dec 2008

Haha here are links to screen prints of this thread with the original text.

Top half

Bottom half


Quote · 30 Dec 2008

I'm somehow missing how and why this became a pissing contest, but I asked this same question earlier and was told the mod by eSas is the best for phpBB integration.  Find him (or her- I'm not sure) on Expertzzz.



Quote · 30 Dec 2008


I bought eSase's phpbb3 mod. Initially it worked a treat, imported all users into phpbb3 from Dolphin effectively. New registrations were fine, showed up in phpbb3. No common avatars though, member profiles could not be imported into phpbb3, may be due to big differences between the two scripts, I'm no expert at this. One log in for both Dolphin and phpBB3 worked fine. I had problems when deleting accounts, this had to be manually done in phpbb3 as it was not syncronising with Dolphin in that regard. I also had to disable new registrations in phpbb3 as these were not being updated in Dolphin. So it was a one way registration process, but a two way log in. He may have update dthis since then, you may want to ask esase. ( )

I had problems with the RSS feed to Dolphin and post/topic count in Dolphin's admin block. They would not progress from the point of integration.

It worked ok, I eventually did away with it and went with Orca (in retrospect this was a mistake as phpBB3 is a lot easier to use especially for the pre-ipod generation who make up most of my site's membership).

So now I am waiting for the new Dolphin version to be released hoping that Orca will be more pre-ipod user user friendly, if not, I will be re-intergrating phpbb3.

I did find esase a little reluctant to back up his mod but in all fairness this may have been down to a language barrier. Others may have been happy with his after sales support, I can only speak of my own experience.

Quote · 30 Dec 2008
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