pleae help! with javascript and header file

the directions are pretty simple but with dolphin this did not work.

to open my tube feeders video player in a window outside of its frame an ajax javascript is supposed to go in the header file.


ive placed the code in the header.html file for the uni template.

no worky, should i put the javascript somewhere else ? one of the inc/ files or elsewhere ? im just not sure how to make it work with dolphin and its template.

also i was kind of wondering if puting the <div> code in the html block is even goin to work.

obviously my attempts have failed but is that possible?

if you read these directions below it explains how it works with the links changed so nobody acuses me of advertising





<!-- This Advanced Ajax Script is an alternate method of implementing
Tubefeeder into your website. The code below will allow you to run a
specialized feed grid of restricted dimensions on your site - in
perhaps a footer or a sidebar - while still allowing the full video
player to expand outside of the restricted zone. To make this work
you need only add the two sections of code below to your html markup.
The first piece is a script that needs to be inserted in your site's
header. The second is a pre-identified div that will contain your
feed; place this within the body of your site, wherever you want the
feed to appear. -->

  <!-- You can customize the CSS for the layout.
  Download and view the ajaxgeneral.css file linked in,
  modify it to your liking and replace the href with your custom CSS file. -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
href="" />
<!-- These javascript scripts must always be present in the head
of your html.  Please do not remove these script references.  -->
  <script type="text/javascript"
  <script type="text/javascript">
      // The feedUrl variable contains the generated link to the
      // TubeFeeder media.  Please do not alter this.  You can take
      // the src of the generated iframe script from
      // and tack on "&ajax" at the end
      // to replace this with another feed.
      var feedUrl = '';
$(function(){ goToTubePage(1); });
  <!-- Your Content Here -->
  <!-- This is the div which contains the TubeFeeder media.
  It must have an id of "tfinclude" to work properly.
  Please do not rename this." -->
  <div id="tfinclude"></div>
  <!-- Your Content Here -->

Quote · 13 Mar 2009


I think... You not have full tube script !



Quote · 13 Mar 2009
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.