return ($bUseDesignBox && $sOutputCode) ? DesignBoxContent($sBlockCaption, $sOutputCode, 1, '', $sPaginate) : $sOutputCode . $sPaginate; }
return ($bUseDesignBox && $sOutputCode) ? DesignBoxContent($sBlockCaption, $sOutputCode, $sPaginate) : $sOutputCode . $sPaginate; }
1, '', not needed |
I believe that it should be there, please can you be more descriptive, what is an effect in user side in both variants ? Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
ok i'll try let's say we want to change the polls block to designbox_3.html which will be without the header or without the caption
see img. bellow is with 1, '', and without it

This function provide results for different pages, the change you mention will affect other pages as well, to get rid of hardcoded design box in this place - more changes are needed then checking of every page in polls module is necessary. Rules → http://www.boonex.com/terms |
did you get all this sorted out? what happens if there is one with a VERY long question. Will that push down all other blocks unevenly? I did try a few myself. only in css tho. |
I saw this post the other day and I was not exactly sure what was going on. But let me ask. Couldnt you go into the sys_page_compose table and change the designbox there? caredesign.net |
I saw this post the other day and I was not exactly sure what was going on. But let me ask. Couldnt you go into the sys_page_compose table and change the designbox there?
that's one way to do it, i have my way of doing it ;) btw it's not about how to change it, it is what it shows when it's changed .

This function provide results for different pages, the change you mention will affect other pages as well, to get rid of hardcoded design box in this place - more changes are needed then checking of every page in polls module is necessary.
we are not on the same page here ;)
when you have time try and change the design box from 1 to 3 for polls block and you'll see what i am talking about.
I'm afraid it's not just the homepage polls block. It's also 'blog post view' .... and who knows how many others.
BxBlogsModule,php line 1253
$sPostsSectDB = DesignBoxContent(_t('_bx_blog_post_view'), $sPostStringVal . $sSPaginate, 1); return $sPostsSectDB;
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
I'm afraid it's not just the homepage polls block. It's also 'blog post view' .... and who knows how many others.
BxBlogsModule,php line 1253
$sPostsSectDB = DesignBoxContent(_t('_bx_blog_post_view'), $sPostStringVal . $sSPaginate, 1); return $sPostsSectDB;
correct, i forgot to mention that, i fail to see how alex doesn't see it
correct, i forgot to mention that, i fail to see how alex doesn't see it
Do you know if those are the ONLY two? Seems like a person would have to install every single module, add content, and set every single block to design box 3, to see if any of them have a title afterwards.
My opinions expressed on this site, in no way represent those of Boonex or Boonex employees. |
correct, i forgot to mention that, i fail to see how alex doesn't see it
Do you know if those are the ONLY two? Seems like a person would have to install every single module, add content, and set every single block to design box 3, to see if any of them have a title afterwards.
one i posted above
2. browse.php country block BxBaseBrowse.php ~551 return DesignBoxContent( _t( '_Browse' ), $sContent, 1);
3. forum-recent topics block, forums-index forums index block No clue where to make the changes
didn't notice more